Fake News

It has been brought to our attention that a certain audio recording has been leaked online, along with the following headline and 'news' summary:

BREAKING (FAKE) NEWS - Young Reporter 'Kidnapped' By Cult - Audio Recording Recovered
A young reporter who has recently taken a number of freelance undercover assignments exposing the shady activities of several groups has now been reported missing by her family.

Bekka was investigating the Masked Marionette at the request of her followers on social media, but seemingly got more than she bargained for. Livestreaming to her audience, the young woman appears to have come across some sort of ceremony before being discovered by those she was attempting to spy on.

One of her followers was recording the audio from Bekka's stream and has bravely decided to send us the file.

As with any other ridiculous rumours doing the rounds, we refute this one-sided story. The infiltrator responsible is unharmed and has since expressed a desire to join us after seeing what we have to offer. To prove that we have nothing to hide, we are choosing to repost the recording here for all to hear.

Don't believe everything you see online. Open your mind and make your own judgments rather than allowing yourselves to be manipulated by others. Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to alter your perception of what's on the surface. Not everyone is willing to go so far in search of something more, but if you're sitting there nodding your head in agreement as you read this, you might just be the sort of person we're looking for! JOIN US.


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I'm confused but intrigued...