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when the


Is the soundtrack included in the game when bought?
As in, can it be accessed in the folders or through a music gallery?


I'm not 100% sure what the rules would be on sharing the soundtrack for this one. With it being a very time-limited jam game, I wasn't able to team up with anyone to create an original soundtrack, so the stuff I've used for BGM comes from packs that I've purchased in the past from resource sites. 

I can't say for sure without checking each individual track I used, but I know many of them state that while they can be used in commercial and non-commercial projects, you mustn't distribute them for download as they are. You can only share them within something else.

However, a music gallery feature within the game would fall under allowed use. I do like to add things like that + other extras if I'm able to. I just couldn't include much like that for this because it was a very short game jam and I struggled to finish the story before the deadline >.< It's certainly a feature I could add in an update though! The main problem is that I no longer use the engine this was made in (because it's an engine that kinda sucks and I have something better now). So rather than just update the game as it is, I'd prefer to remake it in the new engine I'm using where it should look more polished overall.

Right now though, I'm working like crazy on another game jam (Otome Jam 2021) so I don't have the time to make any tweaks to this, or I won't make the deadline for the jam submission.

If you really like the soundtrack, while I'm not able to send you the files without breaking the rules attached to them, I could try to make a separate downloadable 'game' to add here that just functions as a standalone music gallery if you'd like?


A gallery 'game' would be appreciated but really don't bother if you're in a rush. I just thought I'd ask since I tend to like having access to any random track that sticks with me a bit.
Thanks for the reply and best of luck with your GameJam project!


Okie dokies, I've just uploaded the music box! Hopefully, it works alright :3 It was pretty quick to put together in Unity. The UI looks rough though cos I just used default stuff to make it as fast as possible. If I had tried to go back into my old Tyrano game files to add it as an option in the actual game, it likely would've taken hours, haha. 

The volume might need adjusting because I don't remember what the volume difference between tracks was like, but I left the settings tab in there for volume adjustment anyways!

Also, the names of the tracks are the names I gave them. If I'm remembering correctly, all their original names were in Japanese, so I have no idea what their English translations would be >.<

Thank you for the luck! I will most certainly need it x3


Oh wow, that was quick.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to humor me on this, I appreciate it!

No problem :3 I already had Unity open working on my other jam project and I had a bit of brain fog going on, so I figured maybe if I just put that together quickly, it might rattle my head into focusing again!


Spanish sub ?


Unfortunately, I'm unable to make any of my games in languages other than English because I'm a solo dev that can only write in English :(

If anyone wanted to make translations of any of my games though, I would be able to add different language options within the games when I have some spare time.

Sorry about that >.<


I could do fluent transitions to Spanish and Romanian if you're interested.


It would certainly be cool to have other languages available so I appreciate the offer :3 I wouldn't be able to do anything about it until after the end of June though because I'm working like crazy on a different game jam project at the moment (and the jam ends on June 30th), so I wouldn't have time to add anything to this one for a little while >.<


Oh okay don't worry about it, whenever you think that you have enough time to do it just let me know if you want to :D


Very interesting game with quality voice acting, even with the option to choose "anime wife" and "IRL wife" voices. My one problem with the game is that it would be better with more dialogue options. Even if options are added that don't change the outcome of the story, it would just be nice if the wife would respond slightly differently and there was more gameplay.

Yeah, I agree with you on that :3 I would absolutely love to have been able to do more with this. Sadly, because this was made for a game jam, I was veeeery tight on time for submitting it. If I'm remembering correctly, I was working right up to the deadline to get it done, spending like 15 hours a day on it during the last week, haha.

The wonderful voice actors who helped out on this project are friends + friends of a friend who lent their time and talent specifically because it was for a jam, so it would be unfair for me to ask them to record additional lines for new content. Sadly, I'm perma-poor >.< Otherwise, I'd happily remake the game in the new engine that I'm working with now and pay them all to record additional content.

Of course, there's always the option of having new content which isn't voiced, but I feel like it just wouldn't be the same with this playing out more like an audio drama type thing than a typical visual novel!

Anyhow, thank you so much for taking the time to play + comment :3 It's much appreciated!




The first time someone said that to me during the jam, I had no idea wtf was going on cos people kept saying it xD I wound up having to Google it, haha. Somehow I managed to completely miss that folks were playing Among Us at the time. I was just oblivious >.<


Hello , I bought the game for mac but I can't start the game ? Can someone help me ? 

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there! Thanks so much for your interest in the game :3 I'm really sorry to hear you're unable to start it :( 

Unfortunately, games made in Tyranobuilder and exported for mac only seem to work for 50% of people for some reason. I have asked for support from the engine devs regarding this issue, as have other uses of the software, but the discussions have pretty much ended with the community rep saying that the engine devs say that macs are awkward and don't play well with whatever it is they use in the engine >.<

It runs on my friend's work macbook, but that's the only person I know with a mac, and I personally know nothing about macs because I've never owned one myself :( 

Since releasing this I have decided to stop using the Tyranobuilder engine because I'm really fed up with the lack of support. Telling people that macs are awkward is not a good enough solution >.<

The following is a list of suggestions that were given in order to possibly get Tyranobuilder games to work on mac, but they only seem to work for some people, and not others:

1) This was suggested by someone on the Steam Tyrano support forums : "Now, on Mac, I'm not sure if the problem is that people need to open the package with something like The Unarchiver instead of the native tool: That is a known issue. You might see if someone can test that method for you."


It's very frustrating whenever I hear that something isn't working as it should :( I don't understand why the engine features the option to export games for mac if they only work for 50% of people. It seems as though the devs of the engine just don't care about fixing things like this, which absolutely sucks. 

Would you be able to play in a browser at all? As I could attempt to upload a browser version instead. 

I am now using a completely different engine to make future games, so I could also try to remake this game in the new engine, but it might take me a week or two to complete it because I'm still only just learning how to use the new engine.

Again, I'm really sorry you've run into issues with this. I'm not sure how refunds work on here, but if you can't get the game working, you should absolutely get a refund :3 Thank you for buying the game! I hope that you can get it working. If you want me to try exporting a browser version, please let me know which one you wanted to play, the male voices version, or the female voices version. 

I hope you're managing to stay safe :3 

There is also this thread which I just found:

It's okay, thank you for the response :) 

Hello, i seem to only be able to get 4/5 endings. I can't get the ending after inputting the puzzle word. i followed the walkthrough but it didn't work. If you can please help. thank you so much

Hey hey! Thanks for playing :3

The ending for completing the puzzle should trigger automatically upon successful puzzle completion, so that's odd. It always triggered when I played through each version to test it. Are you hearing a sound after inputting the last character of the code that sounds like a sorta 'correct' sound effect, rather than a 'wrong' sound effect? 

It shouldn't send you to any other ending because completing the puzzle successfully should automatically lock you in to 1 particular ending with no way out besides reloading an older save. 

To help me find out what's going on, other than the question I already asked, could you please let me know the following:

Are you playing the male voices or female voices version? 

Which voice did you select for your playthrough out of voice 1 and voice 2?

When you finish inputting the code for the puzzle, what is the first line that your partner says to you? 

Are you putting the '!' character at the end of the code? 

Extra question:

Beneath a spoilers header or just emailing me at could you give me a brief description of what happened in the endings you've seen already?

Hopefully, with that info, I should be able to figure out what's going on :3 Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Just to update you regarding the puzzle. I have found a bug which sometimes causes the  puzzle input to be considered incorrect for no apparent reason o.O I can't replicate it at all. It just seems to happen sometimes and not others, like somehow the save data can bug itself. Starting a new game with the same voice seems to fix the issue. I have no idea what could be causing it in the first place though >.<


I remember seeing this game played lived on the stream, it was really cool, and I like the story dialogue and how there was a secret code word needed. Really thoughtful, good job.

Thanks so much for your kind words :3 They mean a hell of a lot to me <3 

Your game was amazing! Even if I did totally suck at it x3 and the art was so gorgeous it blew me away :D


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


amazing game!! i loved this!!


That makes me super happy to hear :3 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for playing + taking the time to leave a comment :D


no biggie xD keep up the good work!!!

(spoilers?)So I could only get four out five of the endings and when I went to redo one it didn't take my answer (which was right before) so I was wondering if someone could help me, please?

(1 edit) (+1)

I just woke up and saw this :3 I shall go make a mini walkthrough ASAP, haha. What I'll do is I'll post it as a devlog + link to it from the game page! That way, if anyone else gets stuck, they can just check out that post. 

Yeah, annoyingly, sometimes the saves can break if they're made near or during timed choices for some reason >.< I have no idea why as this is the first time I've used timed choices. I'll be looking into it after the jam is over though. 

Thank you for playing :3 I'll try to get that guide up quickly!

I managed to get a walkthrough up :3 It's here!


Thank you so much!


You're very welcome :3 I hope that it helps!


That was fun! I enjoyed the little twist of the narrative where (spoilers i guess??) it's the player being the impostor this time around! (It does raise the question tho, how meta is this, are we playing an impostor or are we the impostor? Cool nonetheless)

Took me a while to figure out (hopefully) all endings, one of those by complete accident, too- but it was a good kind of struggle.

All in all it's a fun short little game! 

Aww, that makes me really happy that you enjoyed playing :3 Cheers for commenting as well, much appreciated! 

I guess it's kinda spoilers, but it's a pretty short game anyways, haha, plus it's all somewhat subjective anyhow I suppose :D

There are 5 endings in there in total but 2 of them are incredibly brief / more like bad endings x3 I would've liked to have a few more, but the jam deadline was so tight I didn't get a chance, haha. Figured I better just focus on getting it completed! 


it was so fun!

thank you for making this game l really enjoyed it.keep it up and make great games like this!


Yay! I'm super glad you enjoyed playing it :3

Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out + comment! I really appreciate it :D It was a lot of fun to make, and I hope I can make more short games like this in the future because it's a nice break from working on longer projects, haha.

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