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I think I got stuck in a "Bad End" loop; I solved the puzzle, though (with a bit of help from all my experience playing Jumble) even if it wasn't much use in the end. That's not to say I didn't enjoy myself; it was an interesting story, and one I'll have to look up the Good Ends for at some point.

I'm not really sure you can consider any of the endings good ones really x3 but there are definitely some that are better or at least a little less bleak than others, haha. Honestly, it's been so long since I made this that I can't actually remember what's supposed to happen if you solve the puzzle other than that it is supposed to lead to one of the better endings if you do solve it successfully, and lead to one of the crappier endings if you fail to solve it >.< But I do remember it was a little buggy in general. Not just during the puzzle but for other parts of the game too! I would have fixed stuff like that, but I made the whole thing in under a week on this AWFUL laptop that pretty much died shortly after the game was uploaded xD And being the idiot that I am, I hadn't backed up the files either T_T 

I do want to remake it in the new software that I use these days because a bunch of the little niggling bugs in it were down to stuff that was broken in the old engine I used (one of the main reasons I stopped using it, haha). But yeah, with it being a fairly short game, it shouldn't be toooooo bad to remake it from scratch. It's just finding the time to actually do it, haha. I wasn't really expecting it to get many plays, so it was super low priority x3 But now whenever I see that someone has played it, I sorta feel like I should push it higher up my to-do list cos I know how buggy and hastily put together the whole thing was, and I would prefer to give players a better experience :3

Anyways, thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to comment ^-^


I played this game,  all i can tell that it is indeed worth it. It's a game that makes you think, a very nice game. There is a horror aspect too, play this game if you're a fan of a logical - horror type of game. Good job to the people who made it! Kudos.

So glad you had fun with it :3 Thank you for the kind words <3 Psychological horror is my favourite genre of horror ^-^


Definitely a game that gets you thinking. 

Cheers for checking it out! It's one of my oldest (and most hastily made in just under 7 days x3) games, so I'm always surprised to see anyone download or play it, haha. Unfortunately, it's a tad clunky because of how fast I had to make it (it was for a game jam, I didn't set myself such a crazy deadline without a reason xD) but also because the engine I used for it had a host of problems at the time >.< It's why that was the last thing I made in it before switching engines to something smoother x3 And I noticed you encountered a problem with some of the timed choices towards the end! Also, some of the load times, like for the letters puzzle, were horrific, and again, that's the sorta issues I was up against with the engine, but I believe they've done a lot of work on it since then! I just switched though because I couldn't stand it anymore. I really should get around to just remaking this in the new engine so that anyone who does happen to play it can have a less clunky experience.

And you're absolutely right about there being multiple endings :3 I reckon the one for solving the letters puzzle is probably my favourite one, but I dunno. It's been a while since I made the darn thing, so I might be remembering wrong, haha.

I had to laugh when you said something like: “It's making shower noises but the bath is quite clearly full”xD Yep, the joys of not being able to art to save my life and having to use backgrounds from asset packs, haha. I wish I could be one of those amazing devs that can draw, write, and put everything together T_T

Anyways, thanks for playing it :3 It was really awesome to see/hear a fellow British person play! Forgive me if you're not British though >.< It was just your accent sounded like it was, haha. Also, loving your name! As you can probably tell from my own moniker, I have a thing for alliteration x3 Hope you had a happy Halloween + that your November is brilliant!


I honestly wouldn't have known the puzzles were glitched if you hadn't of mentioned it; I just thought I did something wrong. If you do decide to remake it, I'd love to give it a go =)

I really enjoyed the game, really got me wondering whether I was the impostor or not XD It really played with my head. Yes, I am British =) And thank you, had to check out your name after reading your comment and yours is totally awesome!

I really appreciated your in-depth feedback; it was a joy to read and was also lovely that the developer (Obviously you XD) replied like a real human unlike some developers who aren't that way inclined (If that makes sense XD). 

I think even if you get all the endings, it's still up to the player to decide which one they think is the true one, if any of them x3 I do love psychological horror more than any other genre of horror though, so to hear that it succeeded with messing with your head means a lot, haha.

Maybe I'm not a real human though... I might be an impostor x3 But nah, I get what you mean :3 I always try my best to reply to everything properly even if it takes me a while sometimes, haha. I just feel like if someone was kind enough to take the time to play through any of my stuff and leave some sort of comment or feedback, then I want to make an effort to show my gratitude and just interact in general ^-^ Cos it really does mean a lot that anyone takes time out of their day to say something. The problem is that I get easily overwhelmed, so sometimes I struggle to manage everything, haha.

I don't know how other devs deal with that sort of stuff, but I can kind of see why some stay silent or are brief in their responses. I can't bring myself to be like that though x3 I just really want folks to know how much I appreciate them taking the time to say something :3 Maybe it's my ASD or the fact that I'm extremely socially isolated that makes it so important to me, I dunno, haha.


i feel a little sussy lately

Hehe :D


This was a great game! I made a two-part video of it (no commentary or anything though). I included just one of the endings in an attempt to get more people to play the game because it was really good! :)

Here is the first part of my version, the second part will be coming very soon:

Now I'm off everything else this game is hiding...

Woo! So glad you had fun with it :3 I see you got what is probably my favourite ending, haha. The ol' reverse psychology x3 That's really sweet of you to hold back on showing all endings as well :3

I don't look at analytics here on itch very often since it can often be depressing xD but I think your video must have encouraged some people to check the game out because I see on the graph that it was only getting like 13-15 downloads daily for quite some time now, and then on 19th October there was a spike in both views and downloads (went up to 43 downloads on 19th) and also itch tells me where people are coming to the game page from, and it says 120 clicks from YouTube :D There's no way that can be a coincidence!

But yeah, really glad you enjoyed it :3 I sometimes wonder if maybe my older games might look a bit crappy compared to my newer ones since switching engines and gaining more experience in general, so it's always nice to know if someone's had fun with one of my older projects ^-^ Really appreciate you taking the time to check it out, make the vid, and for your lovely comment <3

Oh, and btw, I really love that outro music that you used, haha. I feel like that could've worked pretty well for the in-game credits!

Haha, I doubt the views and downloads went up because of me, I'm not some big youtube star after all. But  I'm glad more people checked out your game because I very much enjoyed it!

I always include only one ending in my playthroughs of games with multiple endings, it's like my little token of gratitude for developers. You know, leaving whoever sees my version a bit hungry and wondering "Well what else is there? What else could have happened?" so they might go download the game too to discover the things left unseen. :)

I did enjoy this game quite a bit so I will be back for more... ;)

Hmm, well, ya never know!  I guess maybe some of it could also have been from a piece of writing that was done on it recently, but at the same time, the 120 clicks from YouTube had to have come from YouTube only :3 As with all of my games, the views are always a lot higher than the downloads xD I really wish I could climb inside people's brains to find out what made them click on the page, and then what made them decide, nah, this isn't for me, and then leave without downloading, haha.

That's a really good way of doing things :3 My brother said he wishes everyone who streams or makes video playthroughs of games, especially indie ones, would do that. Cos he likes watching playthroughs of stuff, but he doesn't wanna be completely spoiled for all content or endings in case he does end up wanting to check the game out himself. He said that sometimes he's kept watching stuff cos he's entertained, and then before he knows it, everything is revealed and it's too late to unsee it all x3

Thanks again! :3

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think I can get this game to work. Game just won't start. I'm guessing it's because I'm on windows 11?

EDIT: Yeah, seems to be the case. I got it running by going into properties and compatibility shooter.


Oh, well, that's interesting :o I wonder if that's the reason someone was unable to get a different older game of mine to open! It was my first game they were having issues with, and both that one and this one were made in Tyranobuilder, which I no longer use because I got fed up with various bugs in the engine and lack of updates x3 I'll have to see if I can find them and tell them what you did in case it helps them get the other game working!

Thanks for letting me know :3 I know those 2 games are old now, but I didn't realise they were so out of date that they have compatibility issues, haha.


I certainly felt like an impostor right from the start when the partner mentions the player working hard. That doesn't sound like meat all, who's life am I living? 



Well if i didn't know i was aromantic before, I can be pretty sure now. 


It was REALLY interresting ! I had so much theory and im happy to see that the one i  was sure about was the right one haha !

I only played the dude one so idk if anything change with the girl but anyway, the voice actor was really good i kinda prefere the first one (on the left) but only bc i thought that it match the character design better :)

maybe the only hick i could point out was that there are not that much of dialogue between the characters and the mc but its okay it doesnt ruin the experience!

I had a hard time finding all the endings but it was funny to watch every one of them. (especially the one when we say "heh he really fell for that" IT WAS LITERALLY WHAT I WAS THINKING LOL)

Thank you for creating and sharing this for free! I'll give it a 4/5 stars !

So glad you had fun with it :D The jam I made it for was sort of a last-minute decision to jump in and make something spooky, haha. It was a 2-week jam, but by the time I wound up joining, 1 week had already gone x3 And I was trying to think what I could make in a week when I remembered this creepy short audio play that I listened to about a person with Capgras syndrome, so I used that as inspiration :3

Nothing changes in the dialogue or anything no matter which version you pick :3 It's literally just the voice acting that's different. Well, and the sprite, of course, haha.

Trust me, I would love to have written more dialogue cos dialogue is my absolute favourite thing to write, hehe. I just didn't have time cos I had to come up with a script in like a day x3 and then spend the rest of the week putting the game together on my awful potato laptop that almost died in the process xD

I'm glad you enjoyed it still anyways :3 Thanks so much for taking the time to play and comment with such kind words :D


could you release your games for mobile too They look good but i cant play due to no android versions 


I would really love to be able to, but I'm gonna need help from someone who has more knowledge about exporting Nani x Unity games to mobile than I do cos I've tried to do it in the past and failed :(

I tried to port my old games to android back when I used Tyrano, and even though I followed all the instructions step by step, the test apk didn't even open >.< so I have no idea what went wrong. I left it alone, and then when I switched engines to Nani x Unity, I tried again, hoping it would go more smoothly, but nope, still didn't work. 

The crazy thing is, it says it's simple to do T_T evidently not simple enough for me, haha. I could really do with someone actually physically here with me to show me wtf I'm doing wrong >.<


well no problem if u cant i will try watch your games from youtube Thanks for reply tho ^-^

(1 edit) (+1)

Like all your other games... fantastic. Would love to play much more games from you! Keep up the really good work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Aww, so glad you like this one :3 It's my fastest made game cos I only had just under a week when I decided to try and do something for scream jam, haha. I should probably remake it properly at some point in the new engine I'm using x3 Thanks so much for playing it! 

Also, loving those thumbnail goggle eyes xD


Thanks! You make amazing games! Remember that


I like the concept! I did find it quite buggy, unfortunately. The text entry bit took me a while because it kept refusing to accept the answer.


It's been a while, but I do remember it being somewhat buggy, yeah x3 I only had just under 1 week to make it, and the engine itself had some really irritating bugs at the time with practically non-existent help from the engine devs (though that may have changed by now!) The buggyness of Tyrano is the main reason I decided to stop using it after I made Impostor and switched to Nani x Unity instead, which I feel works much better. Tyrano was great to start out with though! 

I would've gone back to try and fix the bugs, but I kinda just didn't want to have to work with Tyrano anymore >.< I felt like I'd rather just completely remake the game in Unity instead, and I still hope to at some point, along with the first game I ever made with Tyrano cos that also suffers from random bugs in the engine that I no clue how to fix. Things like text skipping causing crashes. Cos I had nothing to do with the code for skipping. That's built into the engine. Leaving me clueless as to how to fix it since I'm not a coder >.<

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to check it out :3 


That makes sense! Using a buggy engine is hell.


just finished playing this! I tried every ending because I was soo curious and I love the idea xD I think the best one , since I can't say the 3 good endings are really good , is when you choose " I love you!" By the way i wonder if you will answer but , are we the impostor smh? because we possessed his girlfriend by playing 

Thanks so much for checking the game out! Glad you had fun with it :3 

Yeeeeah, the 'good' endings aren't really all that good x3 I guess it depends on perspective, but they're all kinda bleak, haha. 

Sorry I'm so slow to answer your question anyhow >.< I just haven't really been on my PC this month. I'm typing this now on my phone. But yeah, I kinda wanted to leave it up to the player to decide which ending they think/would prefer to be the truth, so in the end, it's up to whatever you want to believe. However, that one ending in particular where you get that little bonus scene when you reopen the game is absolutely suggesting that the player is the impostor :3 You don't have to take that particular ending as the truth though. 


1 word to describe this game

Awesome :)

I haven't had a chance to watch the video properly yet, but thank you so much for playing! :3 And glad you enjoyed it ^-^


Nice game bruh.. if i have more money maybe i will give you as a thank you from me for made this game.. keep it up>-<

Glad you liked it :3 And don't worry about money x3 you should treat yourself instead ^-^ Thanks for playing! 



5 stars across the board 10/10 just amazing. loved every second of it and ngl our husband doubling down and saying he loves us and not the thing was so enthralling! bravo!

Glad you enjoyed it :3 It was made in a pretty big hurry since I only had 7 days to come up with something and finish it, but it was a lot of fun to work on (even if I had to make most of it on my awful laptop that was so slow to use I wanted to throw it out the window xD) Thanks for taking the time to check it out and leave a comment!


There's no among us.


The most tragic thing is that when people first started commenting 'sus' on this, I had to Google wtf it meant/what they were referencing cos I didn't even know Among Us was a thing xD If I had known, I probably would've tried to name this project something else, haha. But oh well! My friend was like, how the heck do you not know about Among Us, everyone is playing it?! And she invited me to join her, but I'm not really into multiplayer games these days cos I mainly game for solo story-based escapism x3 So it's just one of those games that flew right past my radar >.<



it's fine that you didn't know what among us is.



This was so good, the voice acting is amazing! I honestly didn't know if I could even trust myself, great job!!! 

That thumbnail is amazing xD

I just watched it and man, you had me laughing with your reactions x3 That's how I end up talking to the characters when I'm on like my 5th round of testing, haha. I just can't help but giving em some sass as I slowly lose my mind >.< That part though where you picked the option to say you weren't an impostor, he shouts “Fuuuuck!” you start laughing, then he had a go at you for laughing in his face. Ahh, the timing was so great that I couldn't help but laugh out loud myself x3

I think the ending you got there was probably one of the worst endings x3 Not that there's really a good ending to this, haha. They're all varying degrees of screwed up I guess >.< I suppose one of em could maybe be considered a good or happy ending, but it all depends on what way you wanna view the situation after seeing the stuff that's gone on in each of the endings.

I'm glad you enjoyed it anyhow :3 Thanks so much for playing, leaving a comment, and linking to the video! Much appreciated ^-^


omg thank you so much!!! I really enjoyed the game so much and yes got in some good laughs which  I always enjoy.  


Mein Gott... I wasn't ready for the revelations.....

This was definitely a treat, I can't help but feel slightly disturbed yet amazed at the game. Specially the mechanics in which she speaks to me on the left and to me on the right. Great game great writing and the VA gave it their all~

Thanks for this lovingly scary game.

All endings have been achieved and I can't wait for more of your works!


Haha, well, I'm glad you liked it :3 It's a little rough around the edges because of the jam's time limit + that was the last thing I made in that engine before finally deciding to switch to something else after tiring of all its bugs and stuff that were never fixed >.<

I wanted to try and go for a more sorta unnerving/disturbing psychological vibe with it. Again, without the VA, it just wouldn't have been the same, and I'm so grateful to Anthony for helping me not only with his awesome voice acting but also in putting together a cast for the game for me at super short notice. I owe all the voice actors a lot!

The audio in one ear trick is something I started trying to include in stuff as soon as I started making VNs because I had previously listened to a lot of drama CDs that utilise dummy head mics. What I would give to be able to afford to buy dummy head mics for any of the Vas I work with xD They're crazy expensive, but they capture sound in a super realistic way. Imagine the speaking in the ear in Impostor, but like 100x more realistic, haha. All I can do is try my best to sort of replicate it! It works best if I ask a VA to whisper certain lines, kinda like with ASMR stuff I suppose.

Fun fact, the idea for it came from me learning about the condition called Capgras Syndrome/Capgras Delusion.

I'm hoping to make a game for a different spooky jam this year, but it'll be a very different style I think!











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Deleted 42 days ago






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I love playing games and i thought you might like to know a youtuber called Manlybadasshero played your game not to long ago.


That's really sweet of you to take the time to drop by and let me know :3 Thank you!

I did manage to find out because one morning I woke up to find that my dev page views here had gone from less than 100 to thousands overnight xD I was very, very confused as to what on earth could have caused it until someone sent me an email with a link to the video, haha.

It's amazing what a huge difference it makes to have someone popular like that sharing your stuff because I'm very social media shy, so I'm terrible at promoting my games and I'm still a relatively unknown dev x3 That was a really lovely surprise!


Heya ! I said I'd post a reply a while ago... I know I'm a  bit late haha

Anyway, what can I say ? I loved it ! ^^


Pretty sprites, cool voices... Really liked the concept in itself ! I was completly convinced that she/he was the Impostor ^^ I found 3 endings I think, but since there are apparently more I'll check it out again :)


Hey :3 Ahh, no worries, haha. I forget to do things all the time cos I have this terrible habit of completely losing track of time >.< I'll tell myself, I must remember to do X thing tomorrow. Then I forget, think that only a few days have passed, but it turns out it's been more like a few weeks o.O

I'm super glad you loved it anyhow :3 It's a little rough around the edges with having to rush for the jam deadline, but I had so much fun making it!

I owe a lot to the amazing voice actors who helped me out with it because, without them, it just wouldn't be the same!

Reading your comment, I realised I never did make a walkthrough for this >.< I probably should have done that a long time ago actually. Think I'll get on that sometime this weekend x3 Thanks again for playing + your kind words!

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha, glad we're on the same page about this ! It can be so annoying TwT

I loved it anyways ! It was still pretty smooth in my opinion ^^

Yes, they're really cool ! I actually wanted to do voice acting when I was a bit younger, I can do Light Yagami's laugh >:3

Oh, really ? I thought you had one actually ?? Wait a sec:

Isn't this a walkthrough ? Also you're very welcome ! Your game was really interesting, I don't regret downloading it at all ^w^


Well, the very fact that you pulled up a walkthrough that I'd completely forgotten I'd written just proves how bad my forgetfulness is xD Jeez, I'm terrible, haha. 

You should still give voice acting a go if you feel like it! Check out CCC and BTVA cos they're great places to find all sorts of projects to audition for :D

I'd love to try and make more stuff like this where it's kinda like a hybrid audio drama/VN :3 I'm supposed to be working on my longer game projects, but I keep getting distracted by game jams >.< hehe.

Thank you again ^-^


I just woke up but, i just wanted to say that I'm really glad more people are playing your games^.^ and I'm sure Manly would love to play your other games too. So I hope that happens. I also can't wait till your next games and your other games you will finish too

(1 edit) (+1)

That's super sweet of you to say :3 Thank you very much for all your kind words! I guess Manly might get a kick outta DD since it's sort of a similar style to Impostor, haha. I'm pretty exhausted from just managing to finish my otome jam 2021 game in time for the deadline, but I do hope to participate in another jam later this year + hopefully release updates for a couple of my main projects too :3

Haha, don't worry lmao, I'd do the exact same thing X)

Thanks a lot, I may try, tho idk, as a minor, if my parents will apreciate >~<

I really like these games so it wouldn't bother me tbh ^^ Do whatever you like most, tho can't say I'm not thrilled for longer games :D

You're very welcome ^w^


This was a great game that I'm glad I came across. Looking forward to trying out your other games.


I'm really glad you enjoyed it :3 thanks for taking the time to play and comment! I hope you enjoy my other stuff too :D


You lookin real sussy


kinda sus

when the


Is the soundtrack included in the game when bought?
As in, can it be accessed in the folders or through a music gallery?


I'm not 100% sure what the rules would be on sharing the soundtrack for this one. With it being a very time-limited jam game, I wasn't able to team up with anyone to create an original soundtrack, so the stuff I've used for BGM comes from packs that I've purchased in the past from resource sites. 

I can't say for sure without checking each individual track I used, but I know many of them state that while they can be used in commercial and non-commercial projects, you mustn't distribute them for download as they are. You can only share them within something else.

However, a music gallery feature within the game would fall under allowed use. I do like to add things like that + other extras if I'm able to. I just couldn't include much like that for this because it was a very short game jam and I struggled to finish the story before the deadline >.< It's certainly a feature I could add in an update though! The main problem is that I no longer use the engine this was made in (because it's an engine that kinda sucks and I have something better now). So rather than just update the game as it is, I'd prefer to remake it in the new engine I'm using where it should look more polished overall.

Right now though, I'm working like crazy on another game jam (Otome Jam 2021) so I don't have the time to make any tweaks to this, or I won't make the deadline for the jam submission.

If you really like the soundtrack, while I'm not able to send you the files without breaking the rules attached to them, I could try to make a separate downloadable 'game' to add here that just functions as a standalone music gallery if you'd like?


A gallery 'game' would be appreciated but really don't bother if you're in a rush. I just thought I'd ask since I tend to like having access to any random track that sticks with me a bit.
Thanks for the reply and best of luck with your GameJam project!


Okie dokies, I've just uploaded the music box! Hopefully, it works alright :3 It was pretty quick to put together in Unity. The UI looks rough though cos I just used default stuff to make it as fast as possible. If I had tried to go back into my old Tyrano game files to add it as an option in the actual game, it likely would've taken hours, haha. 

The volume might need adjusting because I don't remember what the volume difference between tracks was like, but I left the settings tab in there for volume adjustment anyways!

Also, the names of the tracks are the names I gave them. If I'm remembering correctly, all their original names were in Japanese, so I have no idea what their English translations would be >.<

Thank you for the luck! I will most certainly need it x3


Oh wow, that was quick.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to humor me on this, I appreciate it!

No problem :3 I already had Unity open working on my other jam project and I had a bit of brain fog going on, so I figured maybe if I just put that together quickly, it might rattle my head into focusing again!


Spanish sub ?


Unfortunately, I'm unable to make any of my games in languages other than English because I'm a solo dev that can only write in English :(

If anyone wanted to make translations of any of my games though, I would be able to add different language options within the games when I have some spare time.

Sorry about that >.<


I could do fluent transitions to Spanish and Romanian if you're interested.


It would certainly be cool to have other languages available so I appreciate the offer :3 I wouldn't be able to do anything about it until after the end of June though because I'm working like crazy on a different game jam project at the moment (and the jam ends on June 30th), so I wouldn't have time to add anything to this one for a little while >.<


Oh okay don't worry about it, whenever you think that you have enough time to do it just let me know if you want to :D


Very interesting game with quality voice acting, even with the option to choose "anime wife" and "IRL wife" voices. My one problem with the game is that it would be better with more dialogue options. Even if options are added that don't change the outcome of the story, it would just be nice if the wife would respond slightly differently and there was more gameplay.

Yeah, I agree with you on that :3 I would absolutely love to have been able to do more with this. Sadly, because this was made for a game jam, I was veeeery tight on time for submitting it. If I'm remembering correctly, I was working right up to the deadline to get it done, spending like 15 hours a day on it during the last week, haha.

The wonderful voice actors who helped out on this project are friends + friends of a friend who lent their time and talent specifically because it was for a jam, so it would be unfair for me to ask them to record additional lines for new content. Sadly, I'm perma-poor >.< Otherwise, I'd happily remake the game in the new engine that I'm working with now and pay them all to record additional content.

Of course, there's always the option of having new content which isn't voiced, but I feel like it just wouldn't be the same with this playing out more like an audio drama type thing than a typical visual novel!

Anyhow, thank you so much for taking the time to play + comment :3 It's much appreciated!




The first time someone said that to me during the jam, I had no idea wtf was going on cos people kept saying it xD I wound up having to Google it, haha. Somehow I managed to completely miss that folks were playing Among Us at the time. I was just oblivious >.<


Hello , I bought the game for mac but I can't start the game ? Can someone help me ? 

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there! Thanks so much for your interest in the game :3 I'm really sorry to hear you're unable to start it :( 

Unfortunately, games made in Tyranobuilder and exported for mac only seem to work for 50% of people for some reason. I have asked for support from the engine devs regarding this issue, as have other uses of the software, but the discussions have pretty much ended with the community rep saying that the engine devs say that macs are awkward and don't play well with whatever it is they use in the engine >.<

It runs on my friend's work macbook, but that's the only person I know with a mac, and I personally know nothing about macs because I've never owned one myself :( 

Since releasing this I have decided to stop using the Tyranobuilder engine because I'm really fed up with the lack of support. Telling people that macs are awkward is not a good enough solution >.<

The following is a list of suggestions that were given in order to possibly get Tyranobuilder games to work on mac, but they only seem to work for some people, and not others:

1) This was suggested by someone on the Steam Tyrano support forums : "Now, on Mac, I'm not sure if the problem is that people need to open the package with something like The Unarchiver instead of the native tool: That is a known issue. You might see if someone can test that method for you."


It's very frustrating whenever I hear that something isn't working as it should :( I don't understand why the engine features the option to export games for mac if they only work for 50% of people. It seems as though the devs of the engine just don't care about fixing things like this, which absolutely sucks. 

Would you be able to play in a browser at all? As I could attempt to upload a browser version instead. 

I am now using a completely different engine to make future games, so I could also try to remake this game in the new engine, but it might take me a week or two to complete it because I'm still only just learning how to use the new engine.

Again, I'm really sorry you've run into issues with this. I'm not sure how refunds work on here, but if you can't get the game working, you should absolutely get a refund :3 Thank you for buying the game! I hope that you can get it working. If you want me to try exporting a browser version, please let me know which one you wanted to play, the male voices version, or the female voices version. 

I hope you're managing to stay safe :3 

There is also this thread which I just found:

It's okay, thank you for the response :) 

Hello, i seem to only be able to get 4/5 endings. I can't get the ending after inputting the puzzle word. i followed the walkthrough but it didn't work. If you can please help. thank you so much

Hey hey! Thanks for playing :3

The ending for completing the puzzle should trigger automatically upon successful puzzle completion, so that's odd. It always triggered when I played through each version to test it. Are you hearing a sound after inputting the last character of the code that sounds like a sorta 'correct' sound effect, rather than a 'wrong' sound effect? 

It shouldn't send you to any other ending because completing the puzzle successfully should automatically lock you in to 1 particular ending with no way out besides reloading an older save. 

To help me find out what's going on, other than the question I already asked, could you please let me know the following:

Are you playing the male voices or female voices version? 

Which voice did you select for your playthrough out of voice 1 and voice 2?

When you finish inputting the code for the puzzle, what is the first line that your partner says to you? 

Are you putting the '!' character at the end of the code? 

Extra question:

Beneath a spoilers header or just emailing me at could you give me a brief description of what happened in the endings you've seen already?

Hopefully, with that info, I should be able to figure out what's going on :3 Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Just to update you regarding the puzzle. I have found a bug which sometimes causes the  puzzle input to be considered incorrect for no apparent reason o.O I can't replicate it at all. It just seems to happen sometimes and not others, like somehow the save data can bug itself. Starting a new game with the same voice seems to fix the issue. I have no idea what could be causing it in the first place though >.<


I remember seeing this game played lived on the stream, it was really cool, and I like the story dialogue and how there was a secret code word needed. Really thoughtful, good job.

Thanks so much for your kind words :3 They mean a hell of a lot to me <3 

Your game was amazing! Even if I did totally suck at it x3 and the art was so gorgeous it blew me away :D


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


amazing game!! i loved this!!


That makes me super happy to hear :3 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for playing + taking the time to leave a comment :D


no biggie xD keep up the good work!!!

(spoilers?)So I could only get four out five of the endings and when I went to redo one it didn't take my answer (which was right before) so I was wondering if someone could help me, please?

(1 edit) (+1)

I just woke up and saw this :3 I shall go make a mini walkthrough ASAP, haha. What I'll do is I'll post it as a devlog + link to it from the game page! That way, if anyone else gets stuck, they can just check out that post. 

Yeah, annoyingly, sometimes the saves can break if they're made near or during timed choices for some reason >.< I have no idea why as this is the first time I've used timed choices. I'll be looking into it after the jam is over though. 

Thank you for playing :3 I'll try to get that guide up quickly!

I managed to get a walkthrough up :3 It's here!


Thank you so much!


You're very welcome :3 I hope that it helps!


That was fun! I enjoyed the little twist of the narrative where (spoilers i guess??) it's the player being the impostor this time around! (It does raise the question tho, how meta is this, are we playing an impostor or are we the impostor? Cool nonetheless)

Took me a while to figure out (hopefully) all endings, one of those by complete accident, too- but it was a good kind of struggle.

All in all it's a fun short little game! 

Aww, that makes me really happy that you enjoyed playing :3 Cheers for commenting as well, much appreciated! 

I guess it's kinda spoilers, but it's a pretty short game anyways, haha, plus it's all somewhat subjective anyhow I suppose :D

There are 5 endings in there in total but 2 of them are incredibly brief / more like bad endings x3 I would've liked to have a few more, but the jam deadline was so tight I didn't get a chance, haha. Figured I better just focus on getting it completed! 


it was so fun!

thank you for making this game l really enjoyed it.keep it up and make great games like this!


Yay! I'm super glad you enjoyed playing it :3

Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out + comment! I really appreciate it :D It was a lot of fun to make, and I hope I can make more short games like this in the future because it's a nice break from working on longer projects, haha.

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