First Bitter/Sweet original music tracks uploaded :3
Soooo, basically, my arm is still broken, it's still in the cast, but I had a checkup the other day, and they're looking at possibly taking it off at the end of April/beginning of May.
I've pretty much been going insane while not able to do stuff on my PC, and then today, I just found out that a queer edition of O2A2 jam is currently running, which I would really, really love to have participated in T_T I mean, I could write something, I just don't think I'd be able to put it together in time considering I can only use my PC one-handed and trying to use my mouse with my left hand is both frustrating and hilarious x3
BUT, rather than focus on what I can't do, I suppose it's better to focus on what I can. I can sit at my PC for a bit, even if it is still incredibly uncomfortable, and I can type with my left hand on my keyboard a little faster than I can on my phone. Using the mouse is difficult but just about doable, haha. And so, slowly, I've managed to put together the first couple of video uploads for Bitter/Sweet's OST :3
Of course, if I had to tackle it from scratch, it would probably have been impossible in my current state, but since I was able to use the template I already have for the DD OST videos and just tweak bits, it's just about a manageable task, so I'm going to try and get the full OST released over the next week or so :3 It might end up taking me longer, and I probably won't keep posting updates every time a new track is uploaded cos I don't wanna spam x3 so just keep an eye on YouTube if you're interested. I'll probably try and get the other vocal track done next, but I dunno yet! For now, it's just the main theme (vocal and off vocal versions), and once all of them are released, I'll add the high-quality wav versions for download for supporters on Ko-Fi and Patreon <3
I'm also going to attempt to make a basic website with a blog on it to try and bring everything together a bit better, but I've never built anything like that before, and from what I've looked at already, even the ones that say they're simple to use seem confusing to me, so we shall see how that goes xD
Anyways, I'll stop rambling on and just say that I hope you had a happy Easter if you celebrate it, and if not, that you've just been having a happy time in general :3
Get Bitter/Sweet Blythe
Bitter/Sweet Blythe
Blythe just wants to give you your best-ever birthday! Why wouldn't you want to spend it with an adorable yandere bunny?
Status | Released |
Authors | Melancholy Marionette, LazyPolarBear |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Amare, Dating Sim, Furry, Otome, Psychological Horror, Romance, Slice Of Life, yandere, Yaoi, Yuri |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
More posts
- Bitter/Sweet's OST is Out Now on Spotify & More :329 days ago
- OST now available to stream & download :3May 09, 2023
- Thank You for 1000+ Downloads + Questions Answered + An Accident Has Occurred (m...Mar 13, 2023
- Postmortem Ramble & Random Jam Stats :3Mar 03, 2023
- Walkthrough/Endings/CGs & Secrets GuideMar 01, 2023
- Bugs & StuffFeb 28, 2023
- Opening the game on MacFeb 28, 2023
- Bitter/Sweet Launch \^-^/Feb 28, 2023
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Ok so not sure if it is just on my end, but both vidoes seem identical. What's supposed to be the difference between them?
They are two seperate URLs but maybe something happened on the YT side that had the same video uploaded twice?
Also curious who has been doing the vocals. Are they AI-generated? Are they using your voice or another person's voice?
I see the 'music by' credit but it may be a good idea to specify 'vocals: (name)' as well even if it is the same just to make sure there's no confusion in the future.
I'll agree with the other commentors in that the music and videos are really fantastic. Please be certain you are taking care of your health first; I'd personally want to avoid having you sit for lengthy periods of time without physical activity. Simple walking around and other movements can help a great deal to speed up healing :)
Hmm, that's weird >.< I mean, they are supposed to be pretty similar, music-wise, the only difference between them is that the vocal version contains the full lyrics to the track starting at around 1 minute 33 seconds, whereas in the off vocal version, that same section is instrumental only. And appearance-wise, the videos should be practically identical, just one should say (vocal ver) in brackets at the bottom, while the other should say (off vocal ver), and the vocal version has the lyrics in the subtitles. They play correctly for me, but I dunno if that's just cos I'm the one who uploaded them or something >.<
I wish the vocals were mine, haha. The only track where I used my own vocals was the trailer/vocal version of Apartment No.9's main theme x3 Well, and SR's main theme too, but my friend who made that track with me heavily tuned our voices cos he was trying to make us sound sort of Vocaloid-like, haha. I'm not the greatest singer and my mic is kinda awful T_T
The vocals on these tracks are kinda awkward when it comes to crediting, cos as with a few other vocal sample packs I own, the recording artist requests not to be credited >.< I guess maybe I could put vocals by Anon or something? Just so it's clearly stating that it's not my voice but it is someone's voice, haha. It's not like it's a big secret or anything because the pack in question mentions the artist's name on the page for the pack! It's someone called Nomeli.
It's weird cos I now own a fair few different vocal sample packs by various artists, and some of them specifically say not to credit them, others say that crediting isn't required but you can if you want to, and then there are some I have where they don't even tell you the name of the recording artist x3 And then I have to credit myself as making the track if I publish it anywhere cos the licensing terms that I have for almost all of my loops and samples say that the person who created a track using them must state their band/performer/artist name and credit themselves wherever it's posted >.< So I can't even credit myself anonymously if I wanted to cos it sounds like that would be against the terms.
Glad that you think it sounds decent though ^-^ still getting a lot of joy out of trying to soundtrack my projects and would love to join a jam team just doing music at some point if anyone would have me, haha. Cos I think it would be fun trying to make music for someone else's project. Wish I could actually play an instrument though cos it must feel incredible to be able to record your own live samples and use them!
Funnily enough, I have been much more physically active this past week, mainly cos I had appointments to go to almost every day of the week, and I don't own a car, so walking is the only option, haha. I prefer to walk anyways for exercise :3 But yeah, I was quite sedentary since the accident prior to the start of last week >.< I've been doing the little exercises they told me to at the drs, but they're not like actual proper exercise, haha. I would've gone out sooner to make sure I was getting some kinda exercise and fresh air, but it's been so rainy and cold, and I didn't really know how to deal with that when I can't wear a coat properly x3 but it's starting to warm up now!
Actually went on a couple of proper nature walks again over the weekend with my pops for the first time in ages :3 Got appointments most days this week too, so I'll be on my feet more again. I wasn't impressed when I weighed myself yesterday morning though cos I've already put on close to half a stone since the accident T_T been eating the same, so it's not that, it's just the second I can't exercise properly, I put weight on >.<" stupid broken thyroid >.>
As always, tyvm again for the kind and prompt responses. I realize responding on itch is probably better than trying to get a hold of you on Discord.
That said, the videos are different as you stated; they were just so similar at first that it felt like they were identical without you noting down those differences in the reply.
I'm happy to hear your health is (slowly) improving a bit with physical activity. At least in the USA there are ways to get free rides to Doctor appts and medical services so if you need something like that it may be worth looking into for your area/country.
For crediting, it may help to put a note in the description/comment when possible stating that the vocalist requests not to be credited or that you are required by the ToS of the site you use to take credit for certain tracks. I understand it is a big ask on top of everything else but it might help.
I do have a potential answer for those asking not to be credited btw. I believe it has something to do with unionized workers doing non-union work and thus they can't (legally) put their name on it or get credited for such work if it isn't union-approved work and payment. Many actors may not get enough union-approved work so they do this 'off the record' work and thus can't obtain credit. At the least I can only speak of how it is with certain professional actors and voice actors in the USA. Not sure how other countries do it.
Probably x3 itch is so much easier to type on, haha. Still, I rarely manage to be prompt whatever the platform >.< Largely my own fault for rambling so much, haha. I'm extremely behind on my replies atm to pretty much everyone in my life T_T Didn't help that I tend to put being social on hold while doing jams, so stuff built up back in Feb when I was working on this project. But then I generally use the time I have post-jam to get back on top of my responses again before restarting working on stuff. Cos of the scooter incident, that didn't happen this time, so I've just fallen further and further behind to the point that I'm not even sure how to catch up >.<
I was able to walk to most of my appointments, thankfully :3 We have a doctor's surgery on the estate where I live that's open 3 days a week. And my cast is finally off now, so just a few more checkups to go :D
Ooooh, right. Well, that would make sense I suppose about unionised workers and such. I hadn't even considered that >.< I guess the same thing can happen with artists signed to labels and stuff then! I wound up contacting the company that sell the pack in the end, and they said that it's fine after all to put the vocalist's name, provided I state the vocals are from a sample pack rather than a song that the artist collaborated with me on.
Hope you are well anyhow and that May has started out as awesomely for you as it possibly can :3
OMG THANK YOU!! idk what you put in this music but i'm addicted ahah hope you'll be able to take off your cast asap tho
Hehe x3 Well, I'm glad you like it :3 Sometimes I wanna just sit there and make music cos I get kinda addicted to doing it xD Cheers! I really want my arm back, haha.
You could even realize the full OST here to for a price. I'd for sure buy it. I love this game so much and the music is so beautiful.
It means a lot that you think it's decent enough to sell :3 and that you'd buy it <3 So glad you like it cos I really loved making those tracks and the game in general :D
Sadly, I'm still in a position where I'm not allowed to actually sell/commercialise any of my stuff >.< (stupid rules from our government that don't allow you to make your own money while you're supported by government aid, so the second you do, they take the aid away) but I am allowed to accept donations, so I guess maybe I could put a note on the page that says anyone who donates via the game page can get a key to access the files for download or something :3
It may help to ask friends/family specifically about those 'rules' about making money; I believe it may be similar to how it is here in the USA regarding a monthly income limit before benefits get cut off. Generally they do allow for 'expenses' deducting from income aka food, utilities, transportation, Steam fees, etc.
Putting something like 'donation of X or more gets you a free Steam key' on your works may be worthwhile to consider doing. If not Steam, then an key may suffice.
Unfortunately, because of the type of aid that I'm getting, it's more black and white :( There are different kinds of aid where it's possible to do as you described and they basically deduct any earnings you might receive from whatever they give you after you've reported them. But yeah, the type that I'm on doesn't allow for any kind of income whatsoever before you get booted off >.< When I spoke to the people at Citizen's Advice, they said another option would be to move to the more flexible kind of aid, but there was quite a big catch, that you have to actively look for work and prove that you're doing so/that you've spent at least X hours per week looking, and you must not turn down any interviews/job offers, etc. or they will take the aid away immediately. Because of how crap my mental health is though, I likely wouldn't be capable of doing everything required, and wind up losing the aid.
The biggest problem though I guess is their lack of willingness to understand that not all money you receive is necessarily income. For example, at Citizen's Advice they told me, if your grandma gives you £10 for your birthday in a card, you're technically supposed to report that to them so they can deduct that £10 from your aid. So they basically said that even if I were to make the switch, they wouldn't understand/care about any costs involved in game dev like fees or fundraising in bulk, they just see anything at all coming in as income to be deducted from what they give you >.<
The system is supposed to be changing though. So all I can do is wait and see what happens I guess.
The system seems even more broken than what's here in the USA. O_O
Thanks for the info; I'm sure you aren't the only one who's encountered this issue so hopefully the info also helps others.
xD Well, that sounds about right, haha. I think most things the government is in charge of over here are currently broken x3 There are a looooot of strikes across different sectors cos people have had enough of being treated like crap. I guess that's what happens when you have the same party in charge for so long. They just wind up growing complacent and thinking it's fine to take the piss out of everyone >.<