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I LOVE this game already and it's just the demo, it's hitting me in all the right spots. The team is absolutely awesome and I cannot wait for the full release!!

Well, that’s brilliant to hear :D So glad you had fun with the demo! Cheers for checking it out ^-^

I can only apologise that the full release is such a long way off >.< Many of my other games feature yandere-type characters though, so if you’re into that, feel free to check em out in the meantime :D


a 10/10
i really like this game
its underrated af
can you atleast give an approximate for the release date for the full game pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So glad to hear you like the demo :3 Thanks so much for checking it out!

I can kind of give an approximate release date for the full game, but it’s likely to be inaccurate >.< and also probably not what anyone who is waiting for the full game wants to hear :( 

Basically, I am not actively working on the project right now and haven’t done so for quite some time because there are other things I am trying to finish first.

So, for starters, my active project and number 1 priority to finish and release is LOVESTARVED, which I think probably won’t be fully finished until early 2025 possibly. It really depends on a lot of different things.

My friend and I hoped we might be able to release the full otome version of LOVESTARVED by the end of October this year, but my PC died shortly after we managed to release the demo, and I’ve been without a PC to work on ever since :( I’m hoping to have a new one up and running ASAP.

And then I also plan to finish a really old project called Clarity in Qualia before Darling Duality because I already have the story 100% written for Clarity in Qualia, whereas I haven’t even gotten close to finishing Darling Duality’s writing yet.

So my 2nd priority after LOVESTARVED is done is to finish Clarity in Qualia, which I anticipate will probably take me up to somewhere around the end of 2025/beginning 2026 possibly.

Only after both of those are done so I plan to return to actively working on Darling Duality again. Once I do start working on it again, probably in 2026, it will likely take me at least 1-2 years to make with how much I have planned for it >.< So that would mean a possible release of the full game in 2027/2028 T_T

Of course, that’s just a super loose estimate! It could end up being sooner, but it could also end up being later >.<

It’s really hard for me to try and approximate stuff like that cos I’m just a solo dev, and I never know what is going to happen in life to delay things and stuff x3 Sometimes when I get bad burnout, or when my depression really kicks my ass, it can mean months of not even being able to work on projects :( 

On top of that, I sometimes have to give in to my impulses if a random idea pops into my head because if I don’t work on it, it haunts me and I can’t concentrate on anything else xD That’s kind of what happened with LOVESTARVED. My schedule for this year was to work on & finish Clarity in Qualia! When I started the year, LOVESTARVED wasn’t even a thing, but the idea entered my head one day, and I couldn’t resist >.<

Like with Clarity in Qualia, LOVESTARVED’s story is already fully written, so it’s a case of getting all the coding finished now, which takes forever T_T haha.

In the meantime, I don’t know if you have already seen it or if you’d even be interested, but I have a separate game related to Darling Duality which is complete :3 It’s basically the backstory of 2 characters who will eventually be in Darling Duality. It’s called Dawn of the Damned, and you can find it here.

If you're into yandere characters in general, feel free to check out my other projects, as most of them have at least 1 yandere in, haha.

Thank you for your interest in the game :3

Yeah its alright
ill be waiting for the game for full completion tho
since your game was my first ever Visual Novel game


I just played this and ahhh !!!!!!!!!! I'm absolutely in love with this game. I'll be eagerly awaiting any updates in the future!!! The volatile nature of the love interests is so exhilarating to read. . . is it bad I would pay Castor to stab me? Hello!! He is so attractive I am definitely a fangirl now.  and his voice actor!!! Is so perfect for him, it's a really pretty voice. . . and it sounds real good when angry. explodes

Thanks so much for checking out the demo & leaving such a lovely comment! ^-^ I can only apologise that development on this particular project is so slow >.< It’s on hold right now while I finish a couple of other projects first, but I’ll get back to this one eventually :3

I definitely wouldn’t recommend paying Castor to stab you x3 and even if you did, he’d likely refuse to do it for money, haha. If he thought you really, really wanted him to do it though, and that it would make you happy... he’d just do it to try and make you smile/win your affection x3

Since you said you enjoyed Castor’s volatile nature as a love interest, feel free to check out my other games :3 Almost all of them have love interests like that in them, haha. Although, they are all somewhat different from each other. Some are softer, some are more manipulative, and some have even angrier explosions xD But all of them love MC deeply, even if it’s not in the healthiest way, haha.

Thanks again for playing! :3

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