Demo Walkthrough Guide

Alrighty, so unlocking everything in the demo isn't suuuper difficult. Choices are fairly straightforward & mostly have an immediate impact of some sort as the cumulative effects of choices won't become apparent during the demo content. Still, I figured I might as well make a guide in case anyone needs it :3

At the very bottom of this page, you will also find a guide on using the command console if you want to, but I wouldn't advise messing around with it until you've finished the game, as inputting wrong commands could mess up your data! x3

Please note that the guide will inevitably contain some slight spoilers, but I will try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible! Where major spoilers are present, I will hide them under dropdowns.

There are 7 endings in total + 7 slots in the gallery (with a total of 8 images to unlock!) CG 04 is a sketch rather than a finished CG and doesn't appear during gameplay. However, it will still unlock in the memories gallery for you to view once you've witnessed the scene it features in. I just thought it would be neat to include one of LPB's WIP CGs so you can see how things change throughout development :D

There is also an unlockable music player with individually unlockable tracks from the OST.

To unlock the music player, all you have to do is reach an ending (or the end of the demo), and each track will unlock in the player after you hear it at least once during gameplay.

Setup Choices

Choose a voice for Epsilon

Pick from a masculine or feminine voice for Epsilon - This cannot be changed mid-game.

Choose a name

Epsilon will ask if you want to keep the name 'Loni' for MC or choose something else. If choosing to rename Loni, the prompt will say you can use 10 characters, but up to 12 should be okay. Any more than that, and the text will probably clip!

Choose MC's pronouns

Epsilon will ask for your choice of pronouns
(she/her & they/them are currently available in the demo)

Choose a narration style

The options are:

This means that the game's narration will refer to MC as "you". For example:
"Alone in your apartment, you sigh at the thought of the week ahead of you."

[Detached Observer]
This means that the game's narration will refer to MC using the name & pronouns that you chose. For example:
"Alone in (pronoun choice) apartment, (name choice) sighs at the thought of the week ahead of (pronoun choice)."

Main Game Choices

01 - Deadly Desires phone call

Only impacts dialogue - '01' is the choice required to advance the story

02 - Erys arrives (a) - [automatically unlocks CG 01]

Choice: Who are you? / Introduce yourself

Only impacts dialogue - SAVE here to easily see 2 endings

03 - Erys arrives (b)

Choice: Invite Erys in (avoids 'bad' end 01 & 02 - continues main story)

Choice: Ask Erys to leave

If you previously picked "Introduce yourself", asking Erys to leave will result in ending 01 - Alive But Empty [unlocks CG 02]

If you previously picked "Who are you?", asking Erys to leave will result in ending 02 - A Quick Snack [unlocks CG 03]

Note that once an ending is reached, you will return to discuss it with Epsilon, who will ask if you approve of the ending or not. In the demo, these choices only impact dialogue, but in the full game, they will be more meaningful.

04 - Making coffee (a)

Choice: They're so shiny! / They're snakelike...

Only impacts dialogue

05 - Making coffee (b)

Choice: I know Niard / I've heard rumours

Only impacts dialogue

06 - Erys' proposal (a)

Choice: Try me / You're probably right

Choosing "Try me" begins the sexually suggestive scene - !!! It is visually SFW, but contains suggestive writing & audio !!!

Choosing "You're probably right" avoids the suggestive scene entirely and proceeds with the main story

07 - Erys' proposal (b)

If you picked "Try me" above.

Choice: No thanks / Don't tease me

Choosing "No thanks" is another way of avoiding the continuation of the suggestive scene and continuing the main story

Choosing "Don't tease me" continues the suggestive scene

08 - Erys' proposal (c)

If you picked "Don't tease me" above.

Choice: I'm sure / I've changed my mind

Choosing "I'm sure" continues the suggestive scene (please note that this is where things heat up - it is still fully consensual though) 

Click the dropdown to read more about the scene's content - contains spoilers!

CONTENT WARNING (contains spoilers) This scene involves:

The protagonist consents to wearing a blindfold.

Erys massages the protagonist with his tendrils.

Erys uses his tendrils as a form of bondage to restrain the protagonist's wrists & ankles.

Choosing "I've changed my mind" avoids the rest of the suggestive scene and continues the main story.

09 - Erys' proposal (d)

If you picked "I'm sure" above.

Choice: No / Yes

Choosing "No" will end the suggestive scene and continue the main story.

Choosing "Yes" will continue the suggestive scene (please note that consent becomes dubious from this point on) [unlocks CG 04 sketch]

Click the dropdown to read more about the scene's content - contains spoilers!

CONTENT WARNING (contains spoilers)

Consent becomes dubious because although the protagonist has agreed to continue, Erys is rougher when inserting his tendrils than the protagonist anticipates. However, after the mentioned pain subsides, the protagonist does enjoy the experience up to a point before it becomes overwhelming.

The problem of consent arises here because the protagonist uses the safe word given to them by Erys, but Erys purposefully ignores it and refuses to stop.

Erys then uses the fact that the protagonist wants him to stop as a way to force the protagonist to do what he wants: Confess their love to him.

At this point, it doesn't matter which choice is picked next, as both lead to different bad ends with Erys killing the protagonist.

The reasoning behind all this is that Erys is testing the protagonist to see if they are the kind of person he was hoping they were.

By choosing to engage in the suggestive stuff, the protagonist is essentially proving to Erys that they are just the same as everyone else he encounters, therefore Erys' opinion of the protagonist drops, and he views them as nothing more than food to consume.

Erys was hoping that the protagonist would decline his offer in the first place.

10 - Erys' ultimatum

If you picked "Yes" above.

Choice: Confess / Refuse

Choosing "Confess" results in ending 03 - Deadly Confession  [unlocks CG 05 a&b]

Choosing "Refuse" results in ending 04 - Eat Your Heart Out [unlocks CG 06]

11 - Erys' rant

If you picked "You're probably right" or "No thanks" earlier on.

Choice: Agree / Disagree

Only impacts dialogue

(if you picked "I've changed my mind" or "No" earlier on, the Agree / Disagree additional choice will be bypassed, but dialogue differs for each option)

12 - Chilling

Choice: It's only coffee / Return the compliment

Only impacts dialogue

13 - Erys' story

Choice: Hug Erys / Stay Silent / Offer Erys more coffee

All choices Impact dialogue

Choosing "Stay silent" or "Offer Erys more coffee" lead to the end of the demo's main story path, bypassing other endings

Choosing "Hug Erys" keeps the demo's main story path open while also opening up 2 more endings

14 - Erys' story

If you chose "Hug Erys" above.

Choice: I don't care, silly! / I'm sorry, but you're right

Choosing "I don't care, silly!" leads to the end of the demo's main story path

Choosing "I'm sorry, but you're right" opens up 2 more endings

15 - Can I have another hug?

If you chose "I'm sorry, but you're right" above.

Choice: Refuse to hug Erys / Give in and hug Erys

Choosing "Refuse to hug Erys" continues the story and leads to more endings

Choosing "Give in and hug Erys" results in ending 05 - Wrong Signals [unlocks CG 07]

16 - Deadly Desires phone call

If you chose "Refuse to hug Erys" above.

You will end up having another Deadly Desires phone call.

All phone button choices only impact dialogue (01 is what's required to continue the story)

17 - Deadly Desires phone call (again)

You will automatically end up having another call with Deadly Desires.

All phone button choices only impact dialogue (01 is what's required to continue the story)

18 - Timed Choice

If you chose "Refuse to hug Erys" above & had both calls with Deadly Desires

This is the first time you will encounter a timed choice in the form of a heart in the centre of the screen. This is what Epsilon was referring to during the intro section of the game about feeling Loni's desire to break free of your guidance. It is up to you whether or not to allow it.

Choosing not to click the heart means you maintain control of Loni's actions and results in ending 06 - Sithys Don't Share

Choosing to click the heart means you relinquish control to Loni, allowing Loni to act on instinct. This results in ending 07 - Conjoined Crescendo

And that wraps up all the choices/endings/unlockables in the demo :3

-Using the command console-

I left the command console in for anyone who might want to use it to tweak certain things like picking a title screen background out of what you've unlocked, force unlocking CGs & music tracks, changing Epsilon's voice mid-game, changing Loni's name mid-game, or changing pronouns mid-game.

Please note, changing the title screen background using this method will cause the temporarily unpleasant sound of 2 different BGM tracks playing at once x3 To make it stop playing both, either head into the music player, click on any track, then exit to the main menu or load a save.

To open/close the command console, press the 'tab' key.

Once open, you can then type the following:

Changing the title screen background

@set g_tsver=

After the '=' select a number from 0-5 and hit the 'enter' key.

Each number corresponds with an ending in the game and its respective background/music combo.

(or type      @set g_tsver="fin"     to set the title screen to the one you unlock upon reaching the end of the demo!)

0 is the default title screen background and music.

Changing Epsilon's voice

To change Epsilon's voice mid-game, type:

(for the masculine voice)
@set av="m"

(for the feminine voice)
@set av="f"

Changing Loni's name

To change Loni's name mid-game, type:

@set mc="type the name of your choice here in quotation marks"

Changing Loni's pronouns

To change Loni's pronouns mid-game, type:

(for she/her)
@set pn="she"

(for they/them)
@ set pn="they"

Please note: This will only work if you chose the "Self-Insert" narration style! If you chose the "Detached Observer" narration style, it will have no effect. This is due to the way that the scripts are set up.

Unlocking the music player

To unlock the music player without having to view any endings, type:

@set g_mp=true

Unlocking music tracks

To unlock music tracks without having to hear them during gameplay first, type:

@set g_ost01=true

(replace 01 with any number up to 18, so 02, 03, 12, etc)

Unlocking CGs

To unlock CGs without having to see them during gameplay first, type:

@unlock CG/01   @unlock CG/02   @unlock CG/03   @unlock CG/04   @unlock CG/05_1   @unlock CG/05_2   @unlock CG/06   @unlock CG/07

Reviewing the disclaimer

By default, once you have viewed the disclaimer at the beginning of the game featuring warnings/trigger information, you will not see it again upon starting a new game. If you wish to view it again when beginning a new game, type:

@set g_disclaimerseen=false

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