Thank You & 1st OST Track Uploaded To YouTube! :3

It's been a little over a week since I managed to release the LOVESTARVED demo here on itch, and I just wanted to say a great big thank you to everyone who has played it so far!

The demo has just over 1000 downloads already, which might be a new record for something I've uploaded, haha. Heck, it's almost had more downloads than the BxG version of Apartment No.9, and that's been out for years x3

I'm absolutely blown away by everyone's kind comments & lovely ratings <3

(besides the person who gave it 2 stars with no comment... so cruel T_T LPB's beautiful artwork alone is worth more than that, regardless of whether or not you enjoyed the demo, damn you!!! x3)

To celebrate, I've just released the first track from the OST over on YouTube, and will be gradually releasing the rest of the tracks over the course of the month :3

(the video features some glowy/glitchy effects, so please be careful if that sort of thing harms you at all!)

It's the track that started it all x3 I was desperate to work on some music after finishing Vol 02 of Yandere Heaven for YanJam earlier in the year, and this track was the result, haha.

In my head, a story was unfolding, but I couldn't really put words to it >.< So I did what I often do, and tried to pull the feelings outta my stupid brain in music form xD Once I finished the track, the story flowed out after!

Not only does it serve as a main theme for the game, but also as a representation of the stages of hunger, desire, stalking, and satisfaction that Erys endures in a neverending cycle.

Since I've been asked a handful of times, I'll mention here that once I've managed to release all of the tracks on YouTube from the OST that feature in the current demo, I will make them available to download for all supporters on Ko-Fi & Patreon as a thank you + add them as a separate download on the project page here for a small donation :3

Thanks again for all your enthusiasm & support for the project ^-^ I appreciate it more than words can say, and I'm incredibly excited to keep working on it so you can see what else is in store for Loni & Erys in the full game!

[Random Bonus Fact]

Making this video broke my computer >.< or, more accurately, I blue screen of death'ed the poor thing by accidentally attempting to export the video as a GIF instead of an MP4 ">.> aheh...

Get Deadly Desires: LOVESTARVED - [a dark fantasy horror romance] - (demo)

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