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I've never heard of the original VN but I really enjoyed this! I really dig the art style especially.

It's pretty old now I think! I can't even remember how I came across it back in the day. Something tells me it was a 2010 release, but I'm not 100% sure on that without looking it up. It's actually an audio drama CD series :3 

I wanted to make an audio-only fandub for quite a while, but I figured I might as well go one further and make it into a VN as well, haha. Especially since I had a pretty clear idea in my head of how I wanted it to look :D

This is the official page for the original series if you wanted to take a peek!

I'm glad you enjoyed it anyhow! Thanks so much for taking the time to play and comment :3


Hi, I'm wasn't able to open the game once I downloaded it(mac). It give me an alert saying the application cant be opened.

Hey hey! Sorry to hear that >.< Mac is always really awkward, unfortunately :( It's possible there's a problem because I renamed one of the files after export, so I've just reuploaded the Mac version with the original file name it came out with upon export. You can try downloading again to see if that makes any difference, but it probably won't T_T

Here's a big list of help I've compiled for Mac users:

It's posted on one of my other games, but the info there applies to all of my games. It's a mixture of tips other Mac users have told me about once they've managed to get my games working + some general stuff I found when I searched online a while back :3

Hopefully, something on there will help you! Unfortunately, I don't own a Mac or know anyone who does, so I have no way of testing Mac builds myself. From what I understand though, the main reason my stuff doesn't open on Mac without fiddling with things is cos of the extra security that Mac devices have. I've been told it's because a lot of indie games get blocked by the security because they're unsigned or something >.<


Heya, I'm on a Mac too and used to have a similar problem for a lot of games I find on You can either:

1: Download the App ( and download the game through there instead of through the site, it should open properly

OR 2: Follow these steps

- Open the folder the game's in, right click on the game and select "Open Package Contents", then click Contents, click MacOS, you should see a file called "Yandere Heaven"

- Open Terminal, write the following command:

chmod u+x 

(make sure there's a space after x)

then drag the "Yandere Heaven" file and drop it onto the Terminal window, then press Enter. The file's icon should change. Then try opening the game again.

Thanks so much for taking the time to post this :3 I'll add it to the help post once I'm back on my PC again later! 


I've got it working thank you both so much:)

Awesome stuff! I'm super glad to hear that :3 It always worries me if there are problems on mac and linux cos I want to be able to help, but it's hard when I don't have the systems to test on >.< And it would just really suck if folks couldn't access the stuff I'm putting out there when I've worked so hard on it, haha. 

Hope you end up enjoying it :3


Hey Melancholy you remember me right? I wanted to say this your yandere games is super great and I hope that you will continue this project to Vol. 6 because I love the story and the art style I hope Manly would play this please release Vol.2 I am beggin' ya that's all thanks.

PS: When I am playing this all the yandere scenes make my heart pound...hee hee

I do :D And aww, that's so sweet of you to take the time to say so :3 I'll certainly try my best to eventually have all of these VNified! It'll probably take a while though since I really need to focus on DD now that I'm back working on stuff again.

It certainly would be cool if Manly ended up playing this too :3 I just hope he wouldn't end up running into any of the bugs that are in there cos I know there are a few that I can't fix >.< haha.

And woo! Heart pounding is awesome :D 


right now typing this on a nintndo great game tho

Wait... what? :o A Nintendo?! That reminds me actually, I really need to try and figure out how to get my games working on Switch x3 I haven't had much luck getting them to work on much other than Windows (and sometimes Mac). I have no idea if my Linux builds even work >.< And the one time I tried an Android export it just threw up so many errors I just looked at my screen like this O.O and gave up, haha


This is way too good, especially considering this is a free game. I really do hope the later volumes are adapted.

Aww, thanks so much for playing + your kind words ^-^ I really hope I get to give the remaining volumes the same treatment at some point! To be honest, there are a hell of a lot more Japanese drama CD series' I'd love to adapt if I could, haha.


I am very excited , THANK YOU <3

Thank YOU for your comment and enthusiasm ^-^ Hopefully you didn't run into any nasty bugs if you played it already >.< I know there are some small ones + typos in there that I haven't a had a chance to fix yet cos I've been away! Hopefully I can get a fix update out tomorrow sometime :3

Deleted 2 years ago

Haha, yeeeeah, I'm pretty much the same xD I do love me some yandere goodness ^-^


Uwa~ I instantly clicked on it seeing the title xD I was hooked and enjoyed this one <3

Woo! I'm glad you ended up enjoying it :3 It was a manic 15 days trying to get it all finished in time for the end of the jam, haha. Hopefully you didn't encounter too many bugs >.< I know there are a few + typos to fix, but I was away with my dad on a long weekend trip, so hopefully I'll be able to get a fix update out sometime tomorrow!

 Thanks for playing :D


Is there only one volume? I wanted to keep playing because it was a really good game. But if they haven't been released I shall wait patiently with excitement

At the moment, yeah :3 I certainly hope to give the remaining volumes the same treatment sometime in the future, but I knew I only had 7-15 days to make something for this jam, so I had to keep the scope pretty small in order to get something submitted in time, haha. I figured I could just about finish 1 volume in time if I really worked my ass off x3

DD is my main project though, so if I do end up localising and VNifying the remaining volumes, it'll be as a side project, and possibly only for Patreon/Kofi supporters as the voice actors will need payment for their time and talent, and I don't have the funds to be able to afford that myself. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the volume I managed to release though :3 Thanks so much for playing + taking the time to comment! 


Very fun game as always! ^^ You did such amazing work with all the VAs, the little details in the name boxes, the UI and all the sfx, already can't wait for future volumes >.<

I still need to play youuuuurs!!! I bet it's gonna be aweeeesoooome ^-^


*screamig internally* I'll play this tonight. I'll be back and update this comment when I am done with it!

Hopefully you don't encounter any of the little bugs that a couple of my friends have discovered x3 There are a handful of typos in there too T_T I only just got back home, so hopefully, I'll have time to fix stuff and update the game tomorrow at some point :3




I'll be downloading it tonight lol

Hopefully you enjoyed it if you ended up playing it already! I know there are a few bugs and typos in there that need fixing though x3 I just haven't been able to get to them yet cos I only just got home from a long weekend away with my pops! With any luck, I'll get a little fix update out sometime tomorrow :3 


Haven't had the chance to play it but I'm hoping to have time soon! I'm hoptto stream it like I did with darling duality!

In that case, I'd say definitely wait until I can get my update out with the fixes in x3 Just cos there's 1 typo in particular that's really bugging me cos I can't believe I missed it, haha. And a couple of other tweaks I want to make. I mean, the plan is to have it uploaded by the end of tomorrow, but I can't say for sure now if that's gonna happen because I just found out I might have to travel into town to sort something out >.< and that'll eat a good few hours out of my day if it turns out I do have to do that :( 


Word let me know when it's ready!

It's ready now :3 I'm really hoping I didn't manage to randomly break stuff while fixing other stuff, haha >.< There are still a few bugs in there that I don't know how to fix though :(

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