I absolutely love the voice acting and the girls are both so cute , the only issue I have is I wish there was more dialogue options ,I would love that and more paths and endings like most visual novels but considering the game is still unfinished I'm sure it could be added in future updates. But love the game
Thanks so much for checking it out & taking the time to leave a lovely comment :3 So glad to hear you had fun with it so far!
Unfortunately, I don't plan to add any choices or extra endings in this particular project, just localisations of the remaining scenarios, but I have a good reason for it x3 (which I will explain below, but it might be a bit long, so I’m sorry if it ends up being a giant wall of text, haha)
Basically, all my other projects besides this one have plenty of choices, paths, and endings. They contain my yandere ocs & stories (apart from The Graveyard Shift, which is my only game not featuring a yandere, haha.)
But this particular project is different from everything else I've made. It's a fandub of a Japanese drama CD series, so the stories and characters in Yandere Heaven are not mine. I'm literally just localising the same content that's in the original Japanese CDs.
And because they're CDs, there are no choices or paths and stuff because they were designed so that the listener just listens to the scenarios play out track by track, and then chooses a side by listening to the final track associated with a specific character.
I'm trying to make it as faithful a fandub as possible, which means I can't add choices or endings that aren't there in the original content.
The main thing I've changed/added is to include female versions of the characters cos the original CDs only had male yanderes in as they were aimed at a straight female audience. I figured I would expand on that to hopefully open up the content to more people :3
I know some people would happily expand on the CD content and add their own branches and stuff, but I'm personally not comfortable with writing extra content for someone else's characters because I don't want to mess with them x3
On top of that, because I have so many of my own original worlds, this project was supposed to be something I could work on to give me a bit of a break from writing original content sometimes. Cos even though it's still a lot of work to try and accurately localise the Japanese content for this project, it's still easier and less time-consuming than writing for my completely original projects, haha.
Sometimes when I'm writing for my original projects I end up burning out because the branches get out of control or I get brain fuzz or writer's block. So it just feels like a nice change of pace to focus on something like this where it's just a case of turning someone else's stories and characters into English :3
Sorry that was such a rambly explanation anyhow x3 I just don't ever wanna be misleading about what I'm working on is all :3
I'm really glad you still enjoyed the scenarios so far even though they're only in kinetic/linear format :3 Thanks again for playing ^-^
Thank you for the wonder response so kind and sweet and I really appreciate the time you took out of your schedule to write back I will definitely continue to check out your projects and support you ,love the work and hope you have an amazing future with your projects.
Though, I can't take any credit for the stories or the characters in this since they're not actually mine x3 I have plenty of yandere ocs and original stories in my other games, but this particular project is just a fandub cos I thought it would be fun to try and localise old Japanese drama CDs, haha.
I've done my best to try and make sure it's a faithful fandub :D Which, sadly, seems to have earned me a bunch of hate from various people T_T I've lost count of the number of mean comments about the stories and characters being crap at this point even though all I've done is turn them from Japanese to English x3
I hope you end up having fun with it though if you do play it :3
I'll def make sure to play all Ur other games then u seem soso talented :33!! Awwe I'm so sorry for you, you really don't deserve that you seem like a great person :(( the game was super fun! It's not crap, the games aren't for everyone BUT they still don't have the right to call it crap everything about it is great !! x3 just know that!! D:
Ofcc I had sm fun honestly !! Abt to check ur other games then, ur SOSOS sweet replying to all comments ^_^<333
You’re so sweet ^-^ Thank you for all your kind words :3
That seems to be the curse of the internet, haha. Anything you upload will be judged, and there is always someone out there waiting to hate on your projects x3 I’m just glad that there are plenty of nice people out there as well to help cancel out negativity :D
Tbh, itch doesn’t really help devs on that side of things because they allow anyone with an account to leave bad ratings on games even if they haven’t played them >.<
I’m glad you had fun with it though at least :3
I always try to reply to everything if I can cos I really appreciate it when anyone takes the time to say something nice <3 People keep telling me I should stop replying to stuff cos it takes too much time, but I feel like I physically can’t stop xD It would just feel wrong to only read stuff and not reply at all >.<
tyssmm ><!! id say the same to you, you are rlly sweet !! >:3, ofcofc
yeah.. :(( it sucks!! but trust me all ur projects are amazing and ill try to rate evrything 5 stars and play them all i can already tell they r all amzing omg!!! 0//0!!, and im glad u have sweet ppl to help :33! u desserve it and desserve way more!! the game was rly funn :00!!
yeah haha fr >.< they should rlly fix that its b.s!, i bet none of ur games r under 5 stars omg! :DD
thankk you!! i knew i would hehe :>!
thats honestly rlly sweet of u luv! :33, im soso happy u rlly r so underrated and NEED 1mil 5 star ratings omg! :33 might be my new fav creator all the other creators never reply if u have problems or just want to say smth nice :< but yee!! :33
month?? haha ur rlly sweet omg x3 !1 yes i amm games like urs have been rlly fun in my free time heh ^^"!! hope u have a great month! even year :33 x!
I guess a lot of creators maybe don’t check their comments and stuff or don’t have time to dedicate to replying to stuff >.< Even if people keep telling me I should also do that to save time, I will keep trying my best to reply to things even if it takes me a while, haha.
I wish I could T_T haha. I wish I could make all of my games playable on mobile, but I haven’t had any success so far :(
I tried to make an Android build of one of my older super short projects, but Android Studio kept crashing my PC, and when I eventually managed to get it to export a build, it didn’t even start in the virtual test environment >.<
I think I need a better PC and some help from someone with more knowledge about how to make mobile builds work if I’m ever going to manage to release mobile versions of my stuff.
I really hope it will be possible in the future! I just don’t know how to do it at the moment x3
I’m glad you like the look of the game! ^-^
It’s not the ideal solution, but a friend has said it’s possible to run the Windows versions of some of my games on a phone using something called Winlator for Android, BUT, it doesn’t work on everything, and apparently, the load times can be really long + crashes happen if it can’t handle the loading >.<
Um well i have problem for downloading Windows version, i tried several times but the downloading process get Failed just in the middle of the process, is there any other way to download this game? Please Help me if you can, thanks
That's strange >.< I wondered if it might've been a problem with itch's servers at the moment or something, so I tried downloading it myself, but it was fine. I was able to get the full download in about 2 minutes.
I'm not that knowledgeable about what could cause issues with downloads but I guess it could be a problem with your net provider. I know when I'm trying to download stuff on my PC via wifi, it cuts out a lot T_T even for small files! It's kind of a nightmare trying to download anything over 1GB, haha.
I'm so thankful really really thank you♡ i finally got successful to download the game with the google drive link, yes you are right i think the problem is itch's servers because i tried download other games too but unfortunately i couldn't download games with more than 100MG O_o ,anyway thanks again I'm very happy now that i can experience this wonderful game and i will post my review a bout this wonderful game after i played it too <3
No problem! I’m so glad you were able to download it in the end :3
That sucks about the problems with downloading from itch’s servers though :( If you ever end up wanting to check out my other games and itch is being a pain in the butt, feel free to poke me cos I’m happy to upload anything to drive if needed :3
I hope you end up having fun with the game anyhow ^-^
Oh Thank you veryyy much!!! of course! If i had any problem in downloading again i will tell you for sure,You are the kindest game creator I have ever spoken to (≧◡≦) ♡
Hehe, yeah, he did an incredible job with the character! Even though Sakae is a total asshole, mc_cheshire somehow managed to make him somewhat lovable and genuinely charming with that voice acting talent, haha.
Tbh, I have no idea if the original CDs considered themselves comical or not, but I feel like the characters are so OTT that even though there’s creepy yandere stuff going on, it’s so whacky it can’t help but become kind of a comedy xD
There probably are a few out there who are real, but I imagine they’re quite rare! Or at least, the ones who would genuinely love are a rarity.
I’ve come across a small number of people in my lifetime who want to own me but go about it in an abusive way. That's never a nice thing like it can be in fiction because, in reality, the people I’ve met have been acting that way for selfish reasons rather than out of genuine love for me >.< The abuse always outweighs the ‘love’ in my experience, sadly :(
For me, fiction will always be superior to reality xD
Aww, that’s awesome <3 so glad you’ve had fun with some of my other stuff too ^-^ And thank youuuu for the luck as well cos I will definitely need it x3
I'm guessing you're talking about Kakeru? xD I mean, I can't say with 100% certainty because I didn't draw the sprite, haha, but I'm guessing the artist wanted him to be posed like he's holding his hands behind his back or something. To be fair though, it does just look a bit like he doesn't have arms the more you look at it x3
Well... I usually don't comment on Itch. But I have to cus' the game is amazing!!! It's really well written in it's own little yandere way and the voice acting is on point! I had loads of fun while playing through the routes. The bonus place is my favourite tho, beacuse of the music and especially the Bloopers! :D Seemed like the actors were having fun too! Hope you continue this game as it seemed to have more volumes closed. :33
Aww, well, that really means a lot that you decided to comment on this :3 So glad to hear you had fun with the volumes that are finished so far :D
I usually write my own stories/games, but this one is a special side project that I started as a fan of the Yandere Heaven drama CD series cos I thought it might be fun to have a go at localising some Japanese stuff instead for a change, haha. Tbh, if I had more time, I'd probably try to localise soooo many Japanese drama CDs cos there are some really cool ones out there!
I feel like maybe I did a better job at localising the script for volume/CD 02 than I did with the first one x3 The first one I still keep seeing things I would have written differently now I have a bit more experience >.<
But yeah, it just wouldn’t be the same without the voice acting! I did debate not making it a VN at all and instead just doing the script localisation, then getting voice actors in for the dub, and keep it as an audio-only project to put on YouTube or something instead! In the end, though, I decided it would be more fun to work on if I could come up with a suitable visual aesthetic and make it a VN :3
That’s awesome that you like the extras with the bloopers and stuff too :D I’m a sucker for bloopers, hehe. They were always my favourite bonus content on DVDs, and I wish they were in more games, so I just started trying to include the bloopers in all of my games xD
I will try to eventually finish the remaining volumes :3 There are 4 more CDs to cover, but there is also a spinoff series called Yandere Heaven Black which I might do as well. The YHB ones were BL CDs I think, but I’d just do the same and give male/female romance options.
It will probably be quite slow though because my main projects take priority over this one >.< I just thought I would try to finish volume 02 for the yandere jam since it had been a while since I finished volume 01 x3
Thanks so much for checking out the game and leaving such a lovely comment ^-^
For whomever is scrolling the comments, wanting to know if the game is worth playing or not; Eye of the beholder, I believe. Personally, I think you should try it before you think it's not good enough. This game's got a lot more than it seems like it does, with rich story and an awesome team behind it. A personal favorite!
Also, M.M., I wanted to show you something if it's alright. Tell me if it doesn't show up or if I should remove this.
That's so sweet of you to put!!! And omg, that art is ADORABLE <3 I wish you could've seen the smile on my face when I saw it cos I'm on my phone atm just about to head out for a walk with my pops, and so I had to click the little button to expand the comment, and when that popped up, it put a huuuge smile on my face :D
It's so cool!! Actually, if it's okay with you, I could even put it in the extras section of the game as bonus art whenever I end up updating with volume 03 (and credit you, of course) cos then more people could see it :3 No worries if you'd rather not though!
Awesome stuff :D It should be pretty easy to add :3 The hard part will be remembering to actually do it when it comes around to adding the next volume, haha. I've made a checklist of things to change and add when it comes to releasing volume 03 though, so I've put it on there to remind me!
Tengo una pregunta, yo hablo español el juego esta completamente en ingles? o tambien te da la opcion de otros idiomas? se que el audio es completamente en ingles pero lo demas? 🥲🥲 disculpe la molestia.
Lo siento si esto es malo. Utilicé el traductor de Google para leer tu mensaje y responder >.<
Desafortunadamente, el texto del juego solo está disponible en inglés en este momento. Es porque soy un desarrollador en solitario del Reino Unido y, lamentablemente, no soy lo suficientemente competente en otros idiomas para agregar diferentes opciones de idioma :(
Es posible que pueda trabajar con traductores en algún momento para agregar otros idiomas, pero todavía no sé cómo hacer que ese tipo de cosas funcionen en el juego porque nunca lo había hecho antes >.<
Lo siento, probablemente no sea una respuesta muy útil. ¡Gracias por tu interés en el proyecto! :3
Sorry if this is bad. I used Google translate to read your message and reply >.<
Unfortunately, the text in the game is also only available in English right now.
It's because I am a solo dev from the UK, and sadly, I'm not competant enough in other languages to add different language options :(
It's possible I might be able to work with translators at some point to add other languages, but I still don't even know how you make that sort of thing work in-game because I've never done it before >.<
I'm sorry that's probably not a very helpful answer. Thank you for your interest in the project though! :3
That’s fantastic, glad to hear it :D Funnily enough, I’m actually working on volume 02 right now! I’m hoping to have it finished for the end of this year's Yandere Jam in mid-March, but that might not happen because I have a lot of crap going on in my life and I’m struggling to function thanks to the stress and being utterly overwhelmed >.< I’m still gonna try though! If I miss the jam deadline, it’s not the end of the world I guess. I’ll just release it whenever it’s ready :3
The worst thing is, because the project files are so old, after updating to the most recent version of Naninovel to make volume 02, it’s basically broken almost everything from volume 01 T_T I pretty much have to rebuild it all manually and make sure volume 01 is working properly again before I can start coding for volume 02 >.<
Heyo, question- I've been playing this game for a little bit now and I was wondering if the MC is able to make any decisions? because I haven't stumbled upon any yet.
Unfortunately, because this project is just an adaptation of a Japanese audio drama CD, (there are no choices in the CD besides choosing which character MC ends up with) and I wanted it to be a faithful adaptation, so I didn't add choices or anything cos I didn't want to add my own original stuff to this one x3 It's pretty much just a visual novel fan adaptation of the CD :3
I don't know if it's a hug or what, but sometimes when I put the dialogues on automatic, even by slowing down the automatic delay, the text moves to the next one in 2 seconds without me touching anything. I've only noticed this with Atsushi at the moment. I'm still only at the beginning of the game, but otherwise the game is very good for the moment! I love the atmosphere and the characters' characters (for the moment)
Hmm, I'm not sure, but it's probably a bug of some kind >.< Unfortunately, all the stuff lope the settings for auto mode are all determined by Naninovel and I don't poke around with those since it's all like pre-programmed and I don't wanna break anything >.< Naninovel has had a good few updates since I released this though, so it's possible that if it was a bug there, they might've fixed that now, so the next time I load up this project to work on a new episode, I should be able to update it to the most recent version of Naninovel, and with any luck, it might work a bit better, haha.
Glad you've been having fun with it anyhow! Hope you get to have happy holidays :3
:Parraa_Cat_Freind_: Uhm I opened this on my Lenovo Laptop window version couldnt leave the app so i had to restart my laptop and delete the app so -0 stars for u
Charming! x3 Unfortunately, that sounds like it might be a problem with your laptop rather than the game >.< As I tested it on both the windows PC that I made it on + on the family potato laptop, and it works fine on both of those. No freezes, no crashes, and the quit button works just fine... So yeah, there must be something about your laptop that just doesn't like the game for whatever reason >.<
To be honest, I don’t think specs and stuff even matter that much, there’s just something really weird with some computers out there and they don’t play well with Unity/Naninovel for some unknown reason >.<
It sucks because if it’s only a small number of people having an issue and I can’t replicate the problem on my own computer, I don’t really have a way of fixing it :(
I will hopefully be updating this project with episode 02 sometime this year though, and to do that, I’m going to need to update all the files to the latest version of Naninovel since it’s had a lot of updates since I started this project. So it’s possible that just having the game running in the new Naninovel version might make a difference with your computer.
It’s a bit like a weird luck lottery because, as I mentioned, even our ancient family potato laptop can run this game and some people have even managed to run it on Windows emulators. But there are always a small handful of people with decent PCs who encounter random weird problems that don’t occur for most people >.<
I think maybe if the game was made in Ren’Py, it might have a better chance of running well for everyone. There’s just something weird about Naninovel that some people’s computers seem to really not like :(
Sorry my reply is so slow >.< I'm badly behind on responding to everything atm thanks to Christmas stress and generally being ill, haha.
It actually is fairly normal that it's being silly on Mac x3 I don't know what it is about games on itch and Macs, but it's a constant problem that Mac users seem to have :( I don't own one myself, but people who do have told me it's like a security thing where cos games are unsigned, they can't get past Mac security >.<
The good thing is, there are some fairly easy workarounds to get games working :3 People have told me the easiest thing to do is just download the itch.io app and then download all games through that app, then they have no issues, but there are other solutions too! I put together a list of stuff people have said works for them over the years, and you can find it here:
I can see that the game is on hold, is everything alright? Can we get some news about the development (if not here, maybe on any social media? x_x) The game just looks really good and I saw that the developer replies in the comments, so I have a big hope about that one ♥
It’s a little difficult to give a proper answer because the explanation is reeeealllly long x3 I’m actually in the middle of attempting to draft a big post about all my projects in general and my plans for what to work on in 2024 though, so I can link you to that once I eventually finish and post it :3
The short story is that there isn’t really any news about the development of this particular project >.< It’s on hold indefinitely for a few different reasons. I absolutely intend to work on and finish it at some point in the future, but it’s not particularly high up on my list of priorities is all. I definitely won’t be working on it any time in the rest of this year. It’s possible I might work on 1 more episode next year, but it really depends on how things go with irl stuff and also some of my other projects.
I really appreciate your interest in the project though :3 I’ll finish it eventually, it’s probably just going to take me a long time is all >.<
Hey there! Sorry my reply is slow, I’ve not been on my PC since the 12th October cos I’ve been really busy + ill >.< haha.
You don’t need to apologise anyhow :3
You can’t name the character that you’re playing as, but you can pick your character’s pronouns so that the other characters in the game will refer to your character as he/him, sher/her, or they/them.
This has been excellent, I'm so tired of all games with romance always portrait the healthiest, boring , so safe relations with zero passion (almost as if designed to make sure the next day after a breakup you could go to work without crying) this is unique, this one show the flaws, the human face,the offense to the norm and the moral and without idealism due to that perfectly displayed endings, the voice actors specially the girls are a renaissance for my ears, so professional, you have a talent for the genre if this was made in 15 days, I'm buying you a ko fi since it takes less percentage than itch and following anything similar you make, i also hope your anxiety get better ♡ ♥♡
Aww, I’m so glad you enjoyed it :3 One day I will eventually get around to finishing the remaining volumes, but for now, I have other projects and irl stuff going on that take priority >.< The good news though is that pretty much all of my projects feature at least one yandere and/or unhealthy relationships xD
A big part of the reason I got into making games in the first place is because I adore yandere characters and psychological stories that focus more on the darker side of human behaviour x3 I do still enjoy the fluffy, happy, warm, fuzzy sorts of romance games out there too! Heck, otome games were how I discovered visual novels in general! But at the same time, I do tend to get bored quickly if it’s all fluffy romance and no darker aspect somewhere, haha.
Thank you so much for checking out the game and for your kind comment and support ^-^ <3
i love kakeru!! (i love him but i did not expect him to be our steb sibling tho) anw onto the game i love it and the art style!!1! i reeeeeally enjoyed it actually☆! (im willing to wait years if thats what it takes for it to be finished) though take your time on projects you want to finish first!! have a great day ahead!!, im getting quite attached to kakeru, i dont know if thats a good thing but yeah i'll think of it as a good thing also THIS IS AMAZING FOR SOMETHING MADE IN 15 DAYS YOUR SO TALENTED MARI-CHAN!! hope you dont mind the nickname ;D
Haha, yeah, you can blame that one on the Japanese writers who wrote the original story x3 I still don’t understand why the whole stepsibling romance thing is a trope cos it’s kinda creepy >.< I did debate whether or not to get rid of it while adapting the story, but I wanted to stay as faithful to it as possible, so I decided not to in the end because it would have meant changing too much. I did remove a lot of him referring to MC as “sis, sister, etc.” though, haha.
Anyways, I’m glad you had fun with it ^-^ Honestly, it probably will take me years to finish it T_T haha. I haven’t actively worked on it since uploading the current version over a year ago! There’s just so much I want to work on and never enough time to actually do it all >.< If I were to work on nothing but this for the next few months, I’d probably manage to get all the volumes completed, haha. But that won’t be possible cos I’ve got other stuff both irl and with my game dev that is more of a priority. So yeah, I really appreciate your patience :3
I don’t mind the nickname at all ^-^ I think it’s very cute! I hope you have a lovely day yourself and thank you for being so sweet :3
I don’t think it’s particularly hypocritical cos everyone finds different things creepy x3 Aside from that, I do also find yanderes creepy, haha. It’s just that they also have traits that I admire, like their loyalty and devotion.
It could potentially be a cultural thing cos there can’t be much wrong with the stepsibling romance trope in Japan since I’ve seen it in various kinds of Japanese media, but where I live, even though they’re not technically related, it would still be looked upon as practically incest >.< It’s not like it would be illegal or anything, but it would make most people uncomfortable.
On top of that, I’ve had negative experiences in my personal life of being abused by someone who was supposed to be an older brother-type figure when I had to live with him and his mum, so when I do see stuff like that in Japanese media, while I wouldn’t say I find it especially triggering, it does make me feel a bit ill >.< I don’t personally enjoy the trope or that kind of content.
Actually, I don’t even particularly like the first Yandere Heaven CD in general, not just cos of the stepsibling stuff, but the school setting too xD I find school settings so boring. The problem is, I do like the Yandere Heaven series as a whole because it’s one of the first pieces of media that got me into yandere characters.
Most people would probably skip the CDs they don’t like so much, but I guess maybe because of my autism, I always feel like I have to do things in order and complete sets x3 So even though I don’t actually like the scenario in CD 01, I still made the volume 01 localisation for the sake of going in order of the series, haha.
And as a side note, I also only like yandere stuff in fiction, and even then, I’m quite picky nowadays x3 The types of yandere characters in the Yandere Heaven drama CDs wouldn’t be the types of yandere characters that I actually like nowadays as I have consumed much more yandere content since then. I know a lot of people are into the types that are quite bloody and violent, but I only really like the ones who genuinely love the protagonist. If it’s all just abuse and stuff, I’m not interested these days.
I know some people seem to actually like or seek out yandere behaviour in reality, but I’ve been abused by people far too many times to ever want that. There’s a huuuuge difference between fantasy and reality, and in reality, abuse is horrific.
But yeah, in fiction, there’s a lot I avoid reading or writing about because it’s just not my cup of tea. Stepsibling romance is just one of those things. I also find the whole popular childhood friend romance trope really offputting, haha. It seems to come up a lot in otome games, and it’s always my least favourite route that I have to force myself through for the sake of completion. I just wouldn’t want to have a romance with someone who was like family to me whether that be a close friend or a stepsibling >.<
Funnily enough, even though I might be creeped out by stepsibling romance in media, if I came across it in reality, I’d just be happy for the people involved cos it’s not my business, and they should do whatever makes them happy! :3
The game was exceptional. I am dying to see the next volumes haha. When do you plan to make them? I just can't can't with the art style >~< It is so cute :3. Keep up that good work Mari-san!! (Imma call you that :P hope you don't mind ;P )
I'm glad you liked it :3 I can't lie, while I do still currently intend to eventually finish the other volumes, it's not likely to be any time soon >.< Weirdly, of all my projects, this one that was just supposed to be a silly sorta side project having fun making my first fandub/localisation has been the thing that's wound up netting me a lot of random negativity even though I didn't write the darn thing T_T So I came very close to just scrapping the idea of finishing the other volumes and maybe even deleting this one from itch.
I don't think I'm gonna do that though because I do still want to get the remaining volumes done as a fan project + it would be unfair to the kind people like you who've checked it out, actually liked it, and been nice enough to leave a sweet comment :3 It's just, for a time, the hate and stuff was extremely demotivating >.<
The main thing stopping me from getting anywhere with it now is just time, haha. There's never enough of it in a day to do everything I want to do x3 I haven't made any progress on this at all since I released the first volume. So it's very difficult to say when the next volume will be completed, and even harder to say when the whole thing will finally be done. Sorry, I know that's not very helpful :( But I will do it at some point :3 I don't intend to abandon any of my projects. It's just gonna take me a while to get them all finished, haha.
And you're more than welcome to call me that if you want to ^-^ Thanks for checking out the game and taking the time to write something so nice!
Cheers for checking out this one too! :3 This one was pretty rushed x3 haha. But it was a biiiig help that I didn’t actually have to write the story for this one since it was just localised from the original Japanese CD :D One day I will finally finish the rest of the volumes >.<
Marie chan(can I call you that?) thank you for adapting one of the yandere heaven drama CDs into English and making a game with it! (☆▽☆) I really loved this game! I really liked Kakeru's voice! <3 and although many give bad comments about incest, do not give them importance! I look forward to playing many more of your games in the future (≧▽≦)
Sure, you're welcome to call me that ^-^ If I had more time and motivation, I probably would have adapted the rest of the series by now x3 but just been too busy mostly >.< I know I should do what you said really and just ignore any of the negative comments, but the trouble is, the second I see them, I feel instantly demotivated like there’s no point in bothering to adapt the rest of the CDs if people are gonna give me hate over it or be mean about it >.< I guess I’ll still try and get them done someday though! Just got other stuff I wanna prioritise x3
Thank you for checking this one out too though and for being so nice :3
I really understand that bad comments demotivate you, it's happened to me a lot, sometimes I draw pictures or sing a song or write something and my friends or other people, instead of supporting me, demotivate me and make me wonder why I do it if in the end it works to be received like this, if you adapt the other parts I will come flying to download it! You have my support Marie chan! (*≧∀≦*)
That’s awful if your friends demotivate you >.< It’s bad enough when strangers do it, but friends should be the ones who lift you up! If they have a negative opinion of something you’ve done, they should try their best to think of a way to put their thoughts honestly without hurting your feelings and maybe even give some constructive criticism or something >.<
I know it’s hard to keep doing stuff if people are mean about it cos it can be super demotivating, but the main thing is, if you enjoy doing it, you should definitely keep doing it :3
But there isn't any incest in the game >.< and even if there were, it's not my story. I've just localised a Japanese drama CD to English and turned it from an audio-only CD into a playable game.
I get what you mean though because the strange step-brother/sister trope appears in the first volume of the CD. I don't know why it seems to be a thing in Japanese media that characters have the hots for their step-siblings, and it's not a trope that I personally enjoy as I also find it quite weird and a bit creepy. Still, I wanted this fan project to be as faithful to the original Japanese content as possible, so I kept it the same. If there were actually incest in the content though, I wouldn't have localised it in the first place >.<
I'm not 100% sure that I understand your question, so my answer might be a bit useless, but I will try x3 sorry if I'm not much help though >.< Both of the love interests are trying to eliminate each other so that they can claim the player/MC all for themselves. And the player is pretty much just stuck in the middle with no particular agenda other than going about their daily life x3 Even when choosing between the two pursuing the player, MC doesn't really harbour any ill will towards either of them (despite the fact that they should probably run the heck away from them both xD)
-i love this game just wish for more options.- like i love the voices the art everything just wished there was more choices. can i be honest? i am a sandere. my wife is my yandere sort'uve they stole my clothes and such to get me to go to there house and pick it up.they told me years later that they did this.while we were dateing i had no idea.like i thought i forgot my stuff over there. so if there is an option to love them back that would be great. i loved every minute of this game.my yandere wouldn't dream of hurting me and hate to see me disappointed.
I'm glad you had fun with it :3 Sadly, this isn't the type of project that will ever have choices because, unlike my other projects, it's just a fandub VNification of a Japanese drama CD series, and I wanted to stay as true to the original as possible with my localisation. Including choices would mean writing new content for a story and characters that aren't mine, and that's not something I wanted to do with this particular project.
My other projects with my original content have plenty of choices though :3 And if you're interested, a couple of them do allow you to make choices to love the yandere back ^-^ Two, in particular, can result in loving relationships with the yandere love interest where MC is a willing partner (Darling Duality Demo and Bitter/Sweet Blythe)
this game is the GOAT!! I had so much fun playing it! looking foward for the next volumes!! :D no rlly, this game is amazing! I love it smmm!!!!!!!! You guys did the perfect work! :)
Aww, well thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to comment :3 I'm so glad you had fun with it!
Yeah, the hate is not fun, haha. And most of it is either via email or in the ratings section of the page rather than comments, where, sadly, I can't even reply cos itch doesn't let you respond to ratings >.< It's so frustrating because if I could respond to those bad ratings where the main issues mentioned are related to disliking the characters or content of the story, then I could at least explain to them that they're not my characters or story >.< but the option isn't there, so then people just leave those crappy ratings which hammer down the game's visibility in searches and then leave without even realising what the project is supposed to be. It just sucks x3
I guess maybe I shouldn't let that stuff outweigh the positives though since it seems like more people have enjoyed it than not. It's just easy to get dispirited when those sorts of remarks are coming at me and I can't even explain anything, haha.
Well, making someone happy makes my day ^-^ I try to be as inclusive as I can in my projects :3 I'm a little limited by the fact that I can only edit assets since I can't draw to save my life, which means if I'm not working with an artist on something, I can only use what I have in my collection of assets. As far as pronouns and the gender of love interests go though, I've managed to make that available in most of my projects :3 It's an option in IMPOSTOR, Darling Duality, Love in Lockdown, and Bitter/Sweet Blythe. Then there isn't any romance in Limbo Line, but you can pick MC's pronouns + pick a masculine or feminine voice for your boss and build platonic friendships. And in The Graveyard shift, there's also no romance, but you can choose the gender of the protagonist and your partner :3
I had hoped to make GxG and BxB versions of Solipsism Reigns and Apartment No.9 at some point, but because they're longer games, it's just too much work T_T Maybe I still will someday. And going forward, I always want to try my best to continue having as much inclusivity as I can :3
Ahh!! Super cute!!! Thank you for blessing me with another yandere vn <3 Also, perhaps I missed something, but do you intend on adding Vol. 2 anytime soon? :) If you do or choose not to, it's all good. I'll most likely go and listen to the CDs lmao, I just like vns more ^^''
So glad you had fun with volume 01 ^-^ It's probably one of my least favourites of the series if I'm honest, but it just seemed wrong to begin on a different volume rather than go in the correct order, haha.
As for volume 02, it's a bit of a sticky situation >.< I had planned to have it out before the end of last year, and when I didn't manage that before I got ill pre-Christmas, I was thinking I might possibly get it done for Yandere Jam 2023. Once I was ill though, I figured I wouldn't even get to participate in the jam cos I remained ill throughout January. And then as Feb started and I felt well enough to go on my PC again, my friend said she was free to team up to work on art for a project for the jam if I had any ideas. Since I'd been away from my PC for a while, I was kinda itching to make something short and original rather than localising volume 02 of this, and I love her art so much, so we wound up making Bitter/Sweet together instead of me trying to do volume 02 for this :3
And now I have really mixed feelings about localising any other volumes for this project because waaaaay too many people are playing it and rating it badly without reading that it's a fandub localisation/VNification of a Japanese drama CD series >.< I'm getting flack for story and characters that aren't even mine just because somehow people have managed to miss the info at the top of the page where I stated as such T_T and it's just really demotivating to keep on getting stuff like that thrown at me + I feel like if this is the first project of mine people come across and they hate it, it might mean they don't bother to check out my original content, so in many ways, making this fandub localisation is starting to harm my original work :(
I really, really, really wish people would take heed of the fact that this is a fandub project, not an original one before going and moaning about it >.< but sadly, I can't force people to see the section of the page that has that information on it T_T
So yeah, I just don't know what to do about this now. Maybe one day I will continue localising it, but right now I feel like the negativity is too painful to make me want to bother >.< I thought it would be fun to make an English version, and I'm sure people who have listened to the Japanese CDs in the past can probably appreciate how faithful this fandub is, but yeah, getting a lot of bullets fired at me from folks who don't get it.
I really appreciate the fact that you checked it out and enjoyed it though (and that you acknowledged the fact that it's a VN version of a CD, haha) :3 If you do end up listening to the CDs, I hope you have fun with them! I found them pretty entertaining in a quirky, crazy, goofy sorta way cos they're just so OTT, haha.
PS. You probably know about this already since you're a yandere fan, but just in case you don't, I should probably mention that this year's Yandere Jam just finished yesterday :3 As I said earlier, my friend and I made Bitter/Sweet Blythe for it, but there are a whole bunch of other awesome-looking submissions ^-^
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I absolutely love the voice acting and the girls are both so cute , the only issue I have is I wish there was more dialogue options ,I would love that and more paths and endings like most visual novels but considering the game is still unfinished I'm sure it could be added in future updates. But love the game
Thanks so much for checking it out & taking the time to leave a lovely comment :3 So glad to hear you had fun with it so far!
Unfortunately, I don't plan to add any choices or extra endings in this particular project, just localisations of the remaining scenarios, but I have a good reason for it x3 (which I will explain below, but it might be a bit long, so I’m sorry if it ends up being a giant wall of text, haha)
Basically, all my other projects besides this one have plenty of choices, paths, and endings. They contain my yandere ocs & stories (apart from The Graveyard Shift, which is my only game not featuring a yandere, haha.)
But this particular project is different from everything else I've made. It's a fandub of a Japanese drama CD series, so the stories and characters in Yandere Heaven are not mine. I'm literally just localising the same content that's in the original Japanese CDs.
And because they're CDs, there are no choices or paths and stuff because they were designed so that the listener just listens to the scenarios play out track by track, and then chooses a side by listening to the final track associated with a specific character.
I'm trying to make it as faithful a fandub as possible, which means I can't add choices or endings that aren't there in the original content.
The main thing I've changed/added is to include female versions of the characters cos the original CDs only had male yanderes in as they were aimed at a straight female audience. I figured I would expand on that to hopefully open up the content to more people :3
I know some people would happily expand on the CD content and add their own branches and stuff, but I'm personally not comfortable with writing extra content for someone else's characters because I don't want to mess with them x3
On top of that, because I have so many of my own original worlds, this project was supposed to be something I could work on to give me a bit of a break from writing original content sometimes. Cos even though it's still a lot of work to try and accurately localise the Japanese content for this project, it's still easier and less time-consuming than writing for my completely original projects, haha.
Sometimes when I'm writing for my original projects I end up burning out because the branches get out of control or I get brain fuzz or writer's block. So it just feels like a nice change of pace to focus on something like this where it's just a case of turning someone else's stories and characters into English :3
Sorry that was such a rambly explanation anyhow x3 I just don't ever wanna be misleading about what I'm working on is all :3
I'm really glad you still enjoyed the scenarios so far even though they're only in kinetic/linear format :3 Thanks again for playing ^-^
Thank you for the wonder response so kind and sweet and I really appreciate the time you took out of your schedule to write back I will definitely continue to check out your projects and support you ,love the work and hope you have an amazing future with your projects.
No worries at all :3 Thank you for all your kind words <3 Hope you have been having a wonderful May so far ^-^
Hiiiiiiii >< ^^ i love this games idea and ocs, im glad i saw it xD cant wait to play it tysm for making this u seem like a sweet human JSBAJKZSJN :3
Hey hey!! Thank you so much ^-^
Though, I can't take any credit for the stories or the characters in this since they're not actually mine x3 I have plenty of yandere ocs and original stories in my other games, but this particular project is just a fandub cos I thought it would be fun to try and localise old Japanese drama CDs, haha.
I've done my best to try and make sure it's a faithful fandub :D Which, sadly, seems to have earned me a bunch of hate from various people T_T I've lost count of the number of mean comments about the stories and characters being crap at this point even though all I've done is turn them from Japanese to English x3
I hope you end up having fun with it though if you do play it :3
hii hiii!! Of course anytime!! ^^
I'll def make sure to play all Ur other games then u seem soso talented :33!! Awwe I'm so sorry for you, you really don't deserve that you seem like a great person :(( the game was super fun! It's not crap, the games aren't for everyone BUT they still don't have the right to call it crap everything about it is great !! x3 just know that!! D:
Ofcc I had sm fun honestly !! Abt to check ur other games then, ur SOSOS sweet replying to all comments ^_^<333
You’re so sweet ^-^ Thank you for all your kind words :3
That seems to be the curse of the internet, haha. Anything you upload will be judged, and there is always someone out there waiting to hate on your projects x3 I’m just glad that there are plenty of nice people out there as well to help cancel out negativity :D
Tbh, itch doesn’t really help devs on that side of things because they allow anyone with an account to leave bad ratings on games even if they haven’t played them >.<
I’m glad you had fun with it though at least :3
I always try to reply to everything if I can cos I really appreciate it when anyone takes the time to say something nice <3 People keep telling me I should stop replying to stuff cos it takes too much time, but I feel like I physically can’t stop xD It would just feel wrong to only read stuff and not reply at all >.<
Hope you are having a happy month so far :3
tyssmm ><!! id say the same to you, you are rlly sweet !! >:3, ofcofc
yeah.. :(( it sucks!! but trust me all ur projects are amazing and ill try to rate evrything 5 stars and play them all i can already tell they r all amzing omg!!! 0//0!!, and im glad u have sweet ppl to help :33! u desserve it and desserve way more!! the game was rly funn :00!!
yeah haha fr >.< they should rlly fix that its b.s!, i bet none of ur games r under 5 stars omg! :DD
thankk you!! i knew i would hehe :>!
thats honestly rlly sweet of u luv! :33, im soso happy u rlly r so underrated and NEED 1mil 5 star ratings omg! :33 might be my new fav creator all the other creators never reply if u have problems or just want to say smth nice :< but yee!! :33
month?? haha ur rlly sweet omg x3 !1 yes i amm games like urs have been rlly fun in my free time heh ^^"!! hope u have a great month! even year :33 x!
You’re so kind ^-^
I guess a lot of creators maybe don’t check their comments and stuff or don’t have time to dedicate to replying to stuff >.< Even if people keep telling me I should also do that to save time, I will keep trying my best to reply to things even if it takes me a while, haha.
Hope you get to have a great year yourself!! <3
please make a version for android! This game looks really good and I've already fallen in love with both girls! XD
I wish I could T_T haha. I wish I could make all of my games playable on mobile, but I haven’t had any success so far :(
I tried to make an Android build of one of my older super short projects, but Android Studio kept crashing my PC, and when I eventually managed to get it to export a build, it didn’t even start in the virtual test environment >.<
I think I need a better PC and some help from someone with more knowledge about how to make mobile builds work if I’m ever going to manage to release mobile versions of my stuff.
I really hope it will be possible in the future! I just don’t know how to do it at the moment x3
I’m glad you like the look of the game! ^-^
It’s not the ideal solution, but a friend has said it’s possible to run the Windows versions of some of my games on a phone using something called Winlator for Android, BUT, it doesn’t work on everything, and apparently, the load times can be really long + crashes happen if it can’t handle the loading >.<
I actually loved this so much and have replayed it several times. Sakae is just perfect.
Glad to hear it :D I’m personally on team Takaaki/Tomomi, but Sakae has his charms, hehe. Thanks so much for playing! :3
Um well i have problem for downloading Windows version, i tried several times but the downloading process get Failed just in the middle of the process, is there any other way to download this game? Please Help me if you can, thanks
That's strange >.< I wondered if it might've been a problem with itch's servers at the moment or something, so I tried downloading it myself, but it was fine. I was able to get the full download in about 2 minutes.
I'm not that knowledgeable about what could cause issues with downloads but I guess it could be a problem with your net provider. I know when I'm trying to download stuff on my PC via wifi, it cuts out a lot T_T even for small files! It's kind of a nightmare trying to download anything over 1GB, haha.
Anyways, I don't know if it will help, but I uploaded the Windows version of the game to Google Drive, so you can try downloading it from there and see if that's any better :3
With any luck, that will help :3
I'm so thankful really really thank you♡ i finally got successful to download the game with the google drive link, yes you are right i think the problem is itch's servers because i tried download other games too but unfortunately i couldn't download games with more than 100MG O_o ,anyway thanks again I'm very happy now that i can experience this wonderful game and i will post my review a bout this wonderful game after i played it too <3
No problem! I’m so glad you were able to download it in the end :3
That sucks about the problems with downloading from itch’s servers though :( If you ever end up wanting to check out my other games and itch is being a pain in the butt, feel free to poke me cos I’m happy to upload anything to drive if needed :3
I hope you end up having fun with the game anyhow ^-^
Oh Thank you veryyy much!!! of course! If i had any problem in downloading again i will tell you for sure,You are the kindest game creator I have ever spoken to (≧◡≦) ♡
Hope you best♡
Hehe, yeah, he did an incredible job with the character! Even though Sakae is a total asshole, mc_cheshire somehow managed to make him somewhat lovable and genuinely charming with that voice acting talent, haha.
Tbh, I have no idea if the original CDs considered themselves comical or not, but I feel like the characters are so OTT that even though there’s creepy yandere stuff going on, it’s so whacky it can’t help but become kind of a comedy xD
Thanks so much for playing <3
I wish people like this were real </3 (fun stories though!! very well done :))
There probably are a few out there who are real, but I imagine they’re quite rare! Or at least, the ones who would genuinely love are a rarity.
I’ve come across a small number of people in my lifetime who want to own me but go about it in an abusive way. That's never a nice thing like it can be in fiction because, in reality, the people I’ve met have been acting that way for selfish reasons rather than out of genuine love for me >.< The abuse always outweighs the ‘love’ in my experience, sadly :(
For me, fiction will always be superior to reality xD
Thanks so much for checking out the game ^-^
and thank YOU for making it!! been playing a few more of your games since and I love it allll, good luck with the upcoming projects! :D
Aww, that’s awesome <3 so glad you’ve had fun with some of my other stuff too ^-^ And thank youuuu for the luck as well cos I will definitely need it x3
where tf are his arms
I'm guessing you're talking about Kakeru? xD I mean, I can't say with 100% certainty because I didn't draw the sprite, haha, but I'm guessing the artist wanted him to be posed like he's holding his hands behind his back or something. To be fair though, it does just look a bit like he doesn't have arms the more you look at it x3
<3 <3 <3
Well, at least with volume 02 being set in a hospital, Doctor Takaaki/Tomomi should be able to get your heart going again :D
Glad to hear it :D Thank you so much for playing! :3
my happiness knows no bounds thank you so much for this sade of nectars
Well... I usually don't comment on Itch. But I have to cus' the game is amazing!!! It's really well written in it's own little yandere way and the voice acting is on point! I had loads of fun while playing through the routes. The bonus place is my favourite tho, beacuse of the music and especially the Bloopers! :D Seemed like the actors were having fun too! Hope you continue this game as it seemed to have more volumes closed. :33
Aww, well, that really means a lot that you decided to comment on this :3 So glad to hear you had fun with the volumes that are finished so far :D
I usually write my own stories/games, but this one is a special side project that I started as a fan of the Yandere Heaven drama CD series cos I thought it might be fun to have a go at localising some Japanese stuff instead for a change, haha. Tbh, if I had more time, I'd probably try to localise soooo many Japanese drama CDs cos there are some really cool ones out there!
I feel like maybe I did a better job at localising the script for volume/CD 02 than I did with the first one x3 The first one I still keep seeing things I would have written differently now I have a bit more experience >.<
But yeah, it just wouldn’t be the same without the voice acting! I did debate not making it a VN at all and instead just doing the script localisation, then getting voice actors in for the dub, and keep it as an audio-only project to put on YouTube or something instead! In the end, though, I decided it would be more fun to work on if I could come up with a suitable visual aesthetic and make it a VN :3
That’s awesome that you like the extras with the bloopers and stuff too :D I’m a sucker for bloopers, hehe. They were always my favourite bonus content on DVDs, and I wish they were in more games, so I just started trying to include the bloopers in all of my games xD
I will try to eventually finish the remaining volumes :3 There are 4 more CDs to cover, but there is also a spinoff series called Yandere Heaven Black which I might do as well. The YHB ones were BL CDs I think, but I’d just do the same and give male/female romance options.
It will probably be quite slow though because my main projects take priority over this one >.< I just thought I would try to finish volume 02 for the yandere jam since it had been a while since I finished volume 01 x3
Thanks so much for checking out the game and leaving such a lovely comment ^-^
For whomever is scrolling the comments, wanting to know if the game is worth playing or not;
Eye of the beholder, I believe. Personally, I think you should try it before you think it's not good enough. This game's got a lot more than it seems like it does, with rich story and an awesome team behind it. A personal favorite!
Also, M.M., I wanted to show you something if it's alright. Tell me if it doesn't show up or if I should remove this.

That's so sweet of you to put!!! And omg, that art is ADORABLE <3 I wish you could've seen the smile on my face when I saw it cos I'm on my phone atm just about to head out for a walk with my pops, and so I had to click the little button to expand the comment, and when that popped up, it put a huuuge smile on my face :D
It's so cool!! Actually, if it's okay with you, I could even put it in the extras section of the game as bonus art whenever I end up updating with volume 03 (and credit you, of course) cos then more people could see it :3 No worries if you'd rather not though!
It's absolutely alright, as long as it doesn't put any more pressure on you!
Awesome stuff :D It should be pretty easy to add :3 The hard part will be remembering to actually do it when it comes around to adding the next volume, haha. I've made a checklist of things to change and add when it comes to releasing volume 03 though, so I've put it on there to remind me!
It really is so, so cute ^-^
We ball!!
Tengo una pregunta, yo hablo español el juego esta completamente en ingles? o tambien te da la opcion de otros idiomas? se que el audio es completamente en ingles pero lo demas? 🥲🥲 disculpe la molestia.
Lo siento si esto es malo. Utilicé el traductor de Google para leer tu mensaje y responder >.<
Desafortunadamente, el texto del juego solo está disponible en inglés en este momento. Es porque soy un desarrollador en solitario del Reino Unido y, lamentablemente, no soy lo suficientemente competente en otros idiomas para agregar diferentes opciones de idioma :(
Es posible que pueda trabajar con traductores en algún momento para agregar otros idiomas, pero todavía no sé cómo hacer que ese tipo de cosas funcionen en el juego porque nunca lo había hecho antes >.<
Lo siento, probablemente no sea una respuesta muy útil. ¡Gracias por tu interés en el proyecto! :3
Sorry if this is bad. I used Google translate to read your message and reply >.<
Unfortunately, the text in the game is also only available in English right now.
It's because I am a solo dev from the UK, and sadly, I'm not competant enough in other languages to add different language options :(
It's possible I might be able to work with translators at some point to add other languages, but I still don't even know how you make that sort of thing work in-game because I've never done it before >.<
I'm sorry that's probably not a very helpful answer. Thank you for your interest in the project though! :3
Saeka is da material girl.
I think if Saeka came for me I would run as far away from her as possible x3 or just run to Tomomi for help >.<
Just finished playing part one I must say that I really loved it!
Cannot wait for part two!!!
That’s fantastic, glad to hear it :D Funnily enough, I’m actually working on volume 02 right now! I’m hoping to have it finished for the end of this year's Yandere Jam in mid-March, but that might not happen because I have a lot of crap going on in my life and I’m struggling to function thanks to the stress and being utterly overwhelmed >.< I’m still gonna try though! If I miss the jam deadline, it’s not the end of the world I guess. I’ll just release it whenever it’s ready :3
The worst thing is, because the project files are so old, after updating to the most recent version of Naninovel to make volume 02, it’s basically broken almost everything from volume 01 T_T I pretty much have to rebuild it all manually and make sure volume 01 is working properly again before I can start coding for volume 02 >.<
Thanks so much for checking it out!
Heyo, question- I've been playing this game for a little bit now and I was wondering if the MC is able to make any decisions? because I haven't stumbled upon any yet.
Unfortunately, because this project is just an adaptation of a Japanese audio drama CD, (there are no choices in the CD besides choosing which character MC ends up with) and I wanted it to be a faithful adaptation, so I didn't add choices or anything cos I didn't want to add my own original stuff to this one x3 It's pretty much just a visual novel fan adaptation of the CD :3
Thanks for playing!
I don't know if it's a hug or what, but sometimes when I put the dialogues on automatic, even by slowing down the automatic delay, the text moves to the next one in 2 seconds without me touching anything. I've only noticed this with Atsushi at the moment. I'm still only at the beginning of the game, but otherwise the game is very good for the moment! I love the atmosphere and the characters' characters (for the moment)
Hmm, I'm not sure, but it's probably a bug of some kind >.< Unfortunately, all the stuff lope the settings for auto mode are all determined by Naninovel and I don't poke around with those since it's all like pre-programmed and I don't wanna break anything >.< Naninovel has had a good few updates since I released this though, so it's possible that if it was a bug there, they might've fixed that now, so the next time I load up this project to work on a new episode, I should be able to update it to the most recent version of Naninovel, and with any luck, it might work a bit better, haha.
Glad you've been having fun with it anyhow! Hope you get to have happy holidays :3
:Parraa_Cat_Freind_: Uhm I opened this on my Lenovo Laptop window version couldnt leave the app so i had to restart my laptop and delete the app so -0 stars for u
Charming! x3 Unfortunately, that sounds like it might be a problem with your laptop rather than the game >.< As I tested it on both the windows PC that I made it on + on the family potato laptop, and it works fine on both of those. No freezes, no crashes, and the quit button works just fine... So yeah, there must be something about your laptop that just doesn't like the game for whatever reason >.<
weird bc i have windows 10 home lenovo
To be honest, I don’t think specs and stuff even matter that much, there’s just something really weird with some computers out there and they don’t play well with Unity/Naninovel for some unknown reason >.<
It sucks because if it’s only a small number of people having an issue and I can’t replicate the problem on my own computer, I don’t really have a way of fixing it :(
I will hopefully be updating this project with episode 02 sometime this year though, and to do that, I’m going to need to update all the files to the latest version of Naninovel since it’s had a lot of updates since I started this project. So it’s possible that just having the game running in the new Naninovel version might make a difference with your computer.
It’s a bit like a weird luck lottery because, as I mentioned, even our ancient family potato laptop can run this game and some people have even managed to run it on Windows emulators. But there are always a small handful of people with decent PCs who encounter random weird problems that don’t occur for most people >.<
I think maybe if the game was made in Ren’Py, it might have a better chance of running well for everyone. There’s just something weird about Naninovel that some people’s computers seem to really not like :(
Is it normal that I can't open it in Mac? it says "Mac can't open this app"
Sorry my reply is so slow >.< I'm badly behind on responding to everything atm thanks to Christmas stress and generally being ill, haha.
It actually is fairly normal that it's being silly on Mac x3 I don't know what it is about games on itch and Macs, but it's a constant problem that Mac users seem to have :( I don't own one myself, but people who do have told me it's like a security thing where cos games are unsigned, they can't get past Mac security >.<
The good thing is, there are some fairly easy workarounds to get games working :3 People have told me the easiest thing to do is just download the itch.io app and then download all games through that app, then they have no issues, but there are other solutions too! I put together a list of stuff people have said works for them over the years, and you can find it here:
The post is on one of my other projects, but the suggested solutions apply to all of my games here :3
Hope you get to have happy holidays! ^-^
I can see that the game is on hold, is everything alright? Can we get some news about the development (if not here, maybe on any social media? x_x)
The game just looks really good and I saw that the developer replies in the comments, so I have a big hope about that one ♥
It’s a little difficult to give a proper answer because the explanation is reeeealllly long x3 I’m actually in the middle of attempting to draft a big post about all my projects in general and my plans for what to work on in 2024 though, so I can link you to that once I eventually finish and post it :3
The short story is that there isn’t really any news about the development of this particular project >.< It’s on hold indefinitely for a few different reasons. I absolutely intend to work on and finish it at some point in the future, but it’s not particularly high up on my list of priorities is all. I definitely won’t be working on it any time in the rest of this year. It’s possible I might work on 1 more episode next year, but it really depends on how things go with irl stuff and also some of my other projects.
I really appreciate your interest in the project though :3 I’ll finish it eventually, it’s probably just going to take me a long time is all >.<
i love it so much 100/100
<3 Glad to hear it! Thanks so much for playing ^-^
u can't name it?
I’m not sure I understand >.<
hello im sorry i was asking if u can name the character ur playing or not, im sorry 😭
Hey there! Sorry my reply is slow, I’ve not been on my PC since the 12th October cos I’ve been really busy + ill >.< haha.
You don’t need to apologise anyhow :3
You can’t name the character that you’re playing as, but you can pick your character’s pronouns so that the other characters in the game will refer to your character as he/him, sher/her, or they/them.
ohh thankyou so muchh for answering my questionn! i was really waiting for someone to respond to my question, anyway thanks againn!! ^^
Very good game, but what happend to the soup???????
Cheers for playing! I don’t remember any soup, so I can’t help with that x3 my memory is pretty bad, haha. Sorry T_T
This has been excellent, I'm so tired of all games with romance always portrait the healthiest, boring , so safe relations with zero passion (almost as if designed to make sure the next day after a breakup you could go to work without crying) this is unique, this one show the flaws, the human face,the offense to the norm and the moral and without idealism due to that perfectly displayed endings, the voice actors specially the girls are a renaissance for my ears, so professional, you have a talent for the genre if this was made in 15 days, I'm buying you a ko fi since it takes less percentage than itch and following anything similar you make, i also hope your anxiety get better ♡ ♥♡
Aww, I’m so glad you enjoyed it :3 One day I will eventually get around to finishing the remaining volumes, but for now, I have other projects and irl stuff going on that take priority >.< The good news though is that pretty much all of my projects feature at least one yandere and/or unhealthy relationships xD
A big part of the reason I got into making games in the first place is because I adore yandere characters and psychological stories that focus more on the darker side of human behaviour x3 I do still enjoy the fluffy, happy, warm, fuzzy sorts of romance games out there too! Heck, otome games were how I discovered visual novels in general! But at the same time, I do tend to get bored quickly if it’s all fluffy romance and no darker aspect somewhere, haha.
Thank you so much for checking out the game and for your kind comment and support ^-^ <3
bro really said kidnapping is passionate
kasumi x aoi canon
i love kakeru!! (i love him but i did not expect him to be our steb sibling tho) anw onto the game i love it and the art style!!1! i reeeeeally enjoyed it actually☆! (im willing to wait years if thats what it takes for it to be finished) though take your time on projects you want to finish first!! have a great day ahead!!, im getting quite attached to kakeru, i dont know if thats a good thing but yeah i'll think of it as a good thing also THIS IS AMAZING FOR SOMETHING MADE IN 15 DAYS YOUR SO TALENTED MARI-CHAN!! hope you dont mind the nickname ;D
Haha, yeah, you can blame that one on the Japanese writers who wrote the original story x3 I still don’t understand why the whole stepsibling romance thing is a trope cos it’s kinda creepy >.< I did debate whether or not to get rid of it while adapting the story, but I wanted to stay as faithful to it as possible, so I decided not to in the end because it would have meant changing too much. I did remove a lot of him referring to MC as “sis, sister, etc.” though, haha.
Anyways, I’m glad you had fun with it ^-^ Honestly, it probably will take me years to finish it T_T haha. I haven’t actively worked on it since uploading the current version over a year ago! There’s just so much I want to work on and never enough time to actually do it all >.< If I were to work on nothing but this for the next few months, I’d probably manage to get all the volumes completed, haha. But that won’t be possible cos I’ve got other stuff both irl and with my game dev that is more of a priority. So yeah, I really appreciate your patience :3
I don’t mind the nickname at all ^-^ I think it’s very cute! I hope you have a lovely day yourself and thank you for being so sweet :3
no offence, but you love yanderes yet think stepsibling romance/calling MC "sis" is whats creepy? that's very hypocritical, they're not even related
I don’t think it’s particularly hypocritical cos everyone finds different things creepy x3 Aside from that, I do also find yanderes creepy, haha. It’s just that they also have traits that I admire, like their loyalty and devotion.
It could potentially be a cultural thing cos there can’t be much wrong with the stepsibling romance trope in Japan since I’ve seen it in various kinds of Japanese media, but where I live, even though they’re not technically related, it would still be looked upon as practically incest >.< It’s not like it would be illegal or anything, but it would make most people uncomfortable.
On top of that, I’ve had negative experiences in my personal life of being abused by someone who was supposed to be an older brother-type figure when I had to live with him and his mum, so when I do see stuff like that in Japanese media, while I wouldn’t say I find it especially triggering, it does make me feel a bit ill >.< I don’t personally enjoy the trope or that kind of content.
Actually, I don’t even particularly like the first Yandere Heaven CD in general, not just cos of the stepsibling stuff, but the school setting too xD I find school settings so boring. The problem is, I do like the Yandere Heaven series as a whole because it’s one of the first pieces of media that got me into yandere characters.
Most people would probably skip the CDs they don’t like so much, but I guess maybe because of my autism, I always feel like I have to do things in order and complete sets x3 So even though I don’t actually like the scenario in CD 01, I still made the volume 01 localisation for the sake of going in order of the series, haha.
And as a side note, I also only like yandere stuff in fiction, and even then, I’m quite picky nowadays x3 The types of yandere characters in the Yandere Heaven drama CDs wouldn’t be the types of yandere characters that I actually like nowadays as I have consumed much more yandere content since then. I know a lot of people are into the types that are quite bloody and violent, but I only really like the ones who genuinely love the protagonist. If it’s all just abuse and stuff, I’m not interested these days.
I know some people seem to actually like or seek out yandere behaviour in reality, but I’ve been abused by people far too many times to ever want that. There’s a huuuuge difference between fantasy and reality, and in reality, abuse is horrific.
But yeah, in fiction, there’s a lot I avoid reading or writing about because it’s just not my cup of tea. Stepsibling romance is just one of those things. I also find the whole popular childhood friend romance trope really offputting, haha. It seems to come up a lot in otome games, and it’s always my least favourite route that I have to force myself through for the sake of completion. I just wouldn’t want to have a romance with someone who was like family to me whether that be a close friend or a stepsibling >.<
Funnily enough, even though I might be creeped out by stepsibling romance in media, if I came across it in reality, I’d just be happy for the people involved cos it’s not my business, and they should do whatever makes them happy! :3
The game was exceptional. I am dying to see the next volumes haha. When do you plan to make them? I just can't can't with the art style >~< It is so cute :3. Keep up that good work Mari-san!! (Imma call you that :P hope you don't mind ;P )
I'm glad you liked it :3 I can't lie, while I do still currently intend to eventually finish the other volumes, it's not likely to be any time soon >.< Weirdly, of all my projects, this one that was just supposed to be a silly sorta side project having fun making my first fandub/localisation has been the thing that's wound up netting me a lot of random negativity even though I didn't write the darn thing T_T So I came very close to just scrapping the idea of finishing the other volumes and maybe even deleting this one from itch.
I don't think I'm gonna do that though because I do still want to get the remaining volumes done as a fan project + it would be unfair to the kind people like you who've checked it out, actually liked it, and been nice enough to leave a sweet comment :3 It's just, for a time, the hate and stuff was extremely demotivating >.<
The main thing stopping me from getting anywhere with it now is just time, haha. There's never enough of it in a day to do everything I want to do x3 I haven't made any progress on this at all since I released the first volume. So it's very difficult to say when the next volume will be completed, and even harder to say when the whole thing will finally be done. Sorry, I know that's not very helpful :( But I will do it at some point :3 I don't intend to abandon any of my projects. It's just gonna take me a while to get them all finished, haha.
And you're more than welcome to call me that if you want to ^-^ Thanks for checking out the game and taking the time to write something so nice!
It's alright. Take your time. But the most important fact is you take care of your mental and physical help :3
good job on this !! i cant believe you managed to create this much content within 15 days.. thank u !
Cheers for checking out this one too! :3 This one was pretty rushed x3 haha. But it was a biiiig help that I didn’t actually have to write the story for this one since it was just localised from the original Japanese CD :D One day I will finally finish the rest of the volumes >.<
Marie chan(can I call you that?) thank you for adapting one of the yandere heaven drama CDs into English and making a game with it! (☆▽☆) I really loved this game! I really liked Kakeru's voice! <3 and although many give bad comments about incest, do not give them importance! I look forward to playing many more of your games in the future (≧▽≦)
Sure, you're welcome to call me that ^-^ If I had more time and motivation, I probably would have adapted the rest of the series by now x3 but just been too busy mostly >.< I know I should do what you said really and just ignore any of the negative comments, but the trouble is, the second I see them, I feel instantly demotivated like there’s no point in bothering to adapt the rest of the CDs if people are gonna give me hate over it or be mean about it >.< I guess I’ll still try and get them done someday though! Just got other stuff I wanna prioritise x3
Thank you for checking this one out too though and for being so nice :3
I really understand that bad comments demotivate you, it's happened to me a lot, sometimes I draw pictures or sing a song or write something and my friends or other people, instead of supporting me, demotivate me and make me wonder why I do it if in the end it works to be received like this, if you adapt the other parts I will come flying to download it! You have my support Marie chan! (*≧∀≦*)
That’s awful if your friends demotivate you >.< It’s bad enough when strangers do it, but friends should be the ones who lift you up! If they have a negative opinion of something you’ve done, they should try their best to think of a way to put their thoughts honestly without hurting your feelings and maybe even give some constructive criticism or something >.<
I know it’s hard to keep doing stuff if people are mean about it cos it can be super demotivating, but the main thing is, if you enjoy doing it, you should definitely keep doing it :3
Thank you for all your kindness and support <3
Thanks for encouraging me Marie ^^
you can assume that if my self-esteem allows it I'll keep trying! ùvú
But there isn't any incest in the game >.< and even if there were, it's not my story. I've just localised a Japanese drama CD to English and turned it from an audio-only CD into a playable game.
I get what you mean though because the strange step-brother/sister trope appears in the first volume of the CD. I don't know why it seems to be a thing in Japanese media that characters have the hots for their step-siblings, and it's not a trope that I personally enjoy as I also find it quite weird and a bit creepy. Still, I wanted this fan project to be as faithful to the original Japanese content as possible, so I kept it the same. If there were actually incest in the content though, I wouldn't have localised it in the first place >.<
so who are we tried to "eliminate" here, the lover or rival?
I'm not 100% sure that I understand your question, so my answer might be a bit useless, but I will try x3 sorry if I'm not much help though >.< Both of the love interests are trying to eliminate each other so that they can claim the player/MC all for themselves. And the player is pretty much just stuck in the middle with no particular agenda other than going about their daily life x3 Even when choosing between the two pursuing the player, MC doesn't really harbour any ill will towards either of them (despite the fact that they should probably run the heck away from them both xD)
thanks for the reply :)
this game was so fricking cute! i loved it<3
Aww, so glad you liked it ^-^ Thanks for checking it out <3
okay, this game is cute=))). i'll wait for the next upload
Glad you think so :3 Thanks for playing <3
-i love this game just wish for more options.-
like i love the voices the art everything just wished there was more choices.
can i be honest? i am a sandere.
my wife is my yandere sort'uve they stole my clothes and such to get me to go to there house and pick it up.they told me years later that they did this.while we were dateing i had no idea.like i thought i forgot my stuff over there.
so if there is an option to love them back that would be great.
i loved every minute of this game.my yandere wouldn't dream of hurting me and hate to see me disappointed.
I'm glad you had fun with it :3 Sadly, this isn't the type of project that will ever have choices because, unlike my other projects, it's just a fandub VNification of a Japanese drama CD series, and I wanted to stay as true to the original as possible with my localisation. Including choices would mean writing new content for a story and characters that aren't mine, and that's not something I wanted to do with this particular project.
My other projects with my original content have plenty of choices though :3 And if you're interested, a couple of them do allow you to make choices to love the yandere back ^-^ Two, in particular, can result in loving relationships with the yandere love interest where MC is a willing partner (Darling Duality Demo and Bitter/Sweet Blythe)
Thanks for checking this one out ^-^
i will do so gladly!!
this game is the GOAT!! I had so much fun playing it! looking foward for the next volumes!! :D no rlly, this game is amazing! I love it smmm!!!!!!!! You guys did the perfect work! :)
Glad you had fun with it ^-^ Thanks so much for checking it out!
Aww, well thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to comment :3 I'm so glad you had fun with it!
Yeah, the hate is not fun, haha. And most of it is either via email or in the ratings section of the page rather than comments, where, sadly, I can't even reply cos itch doesn't let you respond to ratings >.< It's so frustrating because if I could respond to those bad ratings where the main issues mentioned are related to disliking the characters or content of the story, then I could at least explain to them that they're not my characters or story >.< but the option isn't there, so then people just leave those crappy ratings which hammer down the game's visibility in searches and then leave without even realising what the project is supposed to be. It just sucks x3
I guess maybe I shouldn't let that stuff outweigh the positives though since it seems like more people have enjoyed it than not. It's just easy to get dispirited when those sorts of remarks are coming at me and I can't even explain anything, haha.
Well, making someone happy makes my day ^-^ I try to be as inclusive as I can in my projects :3 I'm a little limited by the fact that I can only edit assets since I can't draw to save my life, which means if I'm not working with an artist on something, I can only use what I have in my collection of assets. As far as pronouns and the gender of love interests go though, I've managed to make that available in most of my projects :3 It's an option in IMPOSTOR, Darling Duality, Love in Lockdown, and Bitter/Sweet Blythe. Then there isn't any romance in Limbo Line, but you can pick MC's pronouns + pick a masculine or feminine voice for your boss and build platonic friendships. And in The Graveyard shift, there's also no romance, but you can choose the gender of the protagonist and your partner :3
I had hoped to make GxG and BxB versions of Solipsism Reigns and Apartment No.9 at some point, but because they're longer games, it's just too much work T_T Maybe I still will someday. And going forward, I always want to try my best to continue having as much inclusivity as I can :3
Ahh!! Super cute!!! Thank you for blessing me with another yandere vn <3 Also, perhaps I missed something, but do you intend on adding Vol. 2 anytime soon? :) If you do or choose not to, it's all good. I'll most likely go and listen to the CDs lmao, I just like vns more ^^''
So glad you had fun with volume 01 ^-^ It's probably one of my least favourites of the series if I'm honest, but it just seemed wrong to begin on a different volume rather than go in the correct order, haha.
As for volume 02, it's a bit of a sticky situation >.< I had planned to have it out before the end of last year, and when I didn't manage that before I got ill pre-Christmas, I was thinking I might possibly get it done for Yandere Jam 2023. Once I was ill though, I figured I wouldn't even get to participate in the jam cos I remained ill throughout January. And then as Feb started and I felt well enough to go on my PC again, my friend said she was free to team up to work on art for a project for the jam if I had any ideas. Since I'd been away from my PC for a while, I was kinda itching to make something short and original rather than localising volume 02 of this, and I love her art so much, so we wound up making Bitter/Sweet together instead of me trying to do volume 02 for this :3
And now I have really mixed feelings about localising any other volumes for this project because waaaaay too many people are playing it and rating it badly without reading that it's a fandub localisation/VNification of a Japanese drama CD series >.< I'm getting flack for story and characters that aren't even mine just because somehow people have managed to miss the info at the top of the page where I stated as such T_T and it's just really demotivating to keep on getting stuff like that thrown at me + I feel like if this is the first project of mine people come across and they hate it, it might mean they don't bother to check out my original content, so in many ways, making this fandub localisation is starting to harm my original work :(
I really, really, really wish people would take heed of the fact that this is a fandub project, not an original one before going and moaning about it >.< but sadly, I can't force people to see the section of the page that has that information on it T_T
So yeah, I just don't know what to do about this now. Maybe one day I will continue localising it, but right now I feel like the negativity is too painful to make me want to bother >.< I thought it would be fun to make an English version, and I'm sure people who have listened to the Japanese CDs in the past can probably appreciate how faithful this fandub is, but yeah, getting a lot of bullets fired at me from folks who don't get it.
I really appreciate the fact that you checked it out and enjoyed it though (and that you acknowledged the fact that it's a VN version of a CD, haha) :3 If you do end up listening to the CDs, I hope you have fun with them! I found them pretty entertaining in a quirky, crazy, goofy sorta way cos they're just so OTT, haha.
PS. You probably know about this already since you're a yandere fan, but just in case you don't, I should probably mention that this year's Yandere Jam just finished yesterday :3 As I said earlier, my friend and I made Bitter/Sweet Blythe for it, but there are a whole bunch of other awesome-looking submissions ^-^